Pierre Frey
Pierre Frey, eclectism as a choice. Founded in 1935, the House of Pierre Frey creates, edits and manufactures upholstery fabrics. The notion of high-quality work is not a hollow concept; rather, it is the cornerstone of this House in the purest French tradition. As the inheritor of expertise that built the company, Pierre Frey is inventive and deeply eclectic. It draws its inspiration from the art of far-away ethnic groups, the French eighteenth-century and contemporar
Luxury Goods & Jewelry
10 - 50
New York, NY, United States

Pierre Frey, eclectism as a choice.

Founded in 1935, the House of Pierre Frey creates, edits and manufactures upholstery fabrics. The notion of high-quality work is not a hollow concept; rather, it is the cornerstone of this House in the purest French tradition. As the inheritor of expertise that built the company, Pierre Frey is inventive and deeply eclectic. It draws its inspiration from the art of far-away ethnic groups, the French eighteenth-century and contemporary Art.

Pierre Frey collections mix materials and motifs that are reunited in harmonious colors. Private individuals, leading decorators, upholsterers and cultural institutions appreciate Pierre Frey's boldness and high standards. Each collection is a story, a trip that is made possible by the combined efforts of Patrick Frey and his studio as well as the designers, the master weavers, printers and embroiderers that all put their know-how at the service of a common passion.

Member of the Comit_ Colbert, which gathers French luxury houses and several cultural institutions since its foundation in 1954, Pierre Frey takes part in promoting French art de vivre at international level.

For several years, Pierre Frey has expanded its range of products offering new wallpapers, wallcoverings, custom-made carpets & rugs and furniture with its well-known creative criterias.

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Pierre Frey
  • 10 SDKs
  • 6 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/pierre-frey/id665050904
  • App Support: http://www.pierrefrey.com
  • Genre: Lifestyle
  • Bundle ID: com.pierrefrey.PierreFrey
  • App Size: 19.4 M
  • Version: 1.3
  • Update Date: November 6th, 2014


The Pierre Frey iPad application gives you access to a lot of inspiring photos as well as our entire collections offering an easy way to sort our products by colour, style, patterns…

- Full Pierre Frey Group products to sort according to your criteria
- Inspirational projects browsing
- Sample requests
- Stock checking for professionals
- Products and pictures sharing
- Favourites lists
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- Seeing the products in situation
- Pierre Frey News

Please note: This application works offline.
This application offers a great amount of content, the download may take a few hours. This application can take up to 1 Go on an iPad.
This application exists in English and French.

Pierre Frey, founded in 1935, designs, creates and manufactures fabrics, wallpapers, carpets, rugs and furniture in the purest French tradition. The company’s rich collection of no less than 7,000 items includes not only the Pierre Frey designs, but collections from the company’s other three prestigious brands: Braquenié, Fadini Borghi and Boussac.
Although Pierre Frey is traditionally a fabric and furnishing house, it’s also attuned to the modern world, which has led to the creation of equally stunning home accessories and furniture collections.
Luxury boutiques and hotels figure among Pierre Frey’s high-profile customers, appreciating the company’s personalised service, vast range of fire-resistant fabrics (700 references) and flexibility in production. A large proportion of Pierre Frey’s collections has been made at the company’s own fabric production unit in Northern France, an independent manufacturing capability that guarantees absolute exclusivity. Our weaving factory obtained in 2009 the EPV label rewarding the French companies that excel in traditional and industrial know-how.
Beyond all this, Pierre Frey represents an outstanding heritage, a remarkable collection of archives at the disposal of our customers.
Pierre Frey is proud of its Made in France traditional expertise – yet at the same time it is highly inventive, and profoundly eclectic.
You will find in this application all Pierre Frey products and many inspirational and beautiful pictures.
Discover Pierre Frey’s world…

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Reviews (Newest First)

PALAZZO decoration

Enfin un outil efficace !

Enfin une application au service de ceux qui aiment les tissus de décoration, recherches rapides, qualités des photos, fiches techniques, coordonnées…un outil efficace et précieux, un grand merci !

Deco PF

Merci pour cette application!

Très belle application! Outil vraiment très utile! Merci!


Magnifique appli

Et véritable outil de travail pour faire des choix tissus . Bravo vous êtes parmi les premiers à faire si bien ! Laurence barbier / maison d'avril


l'Appli Pierre Frey est très complète !

Il y a vraiment un choix de tissus incroyable !


So inspirational !

Love it ! So many ideas !


Inspirational !

Excellent ! So useful and complete ! Unlimited inspiration !
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Core Foundation Framework
Core Foundation is a framework that provides fundamental software services useful to application services, application environments, and to applications themselves. Core Foundation also provides abstractions for common data types, facilitates internationalization with Unicode string storage, and offers a suite of utilities such as plug-in support, XML property lists, URL resource access, and preferences.
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Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
They are headquartered at New York, NY, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Pierre Frey works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.