Preston Kelly
Preston Kelly is the rare full-service agency without the silo mentality, and our employees collaborate from the same strategic core to carve out an Iconic Idea that differentiates a brand from the competitive pack. An Iconic Idea is a meaningful symbol or concept consumers adopt to instantly identify and share your brand. Imagine the advantage youÍd have over your competition if every time a consumer saw or heard a message from you: Click! They connected y
Marketing and Advertising
10 - 50
Minneapolis, MN, United States

Preston Kelly is the rare full-service agency without the silo mentality, and our employees collaborate from the same strategic core to carve out an Iconic Idea that differentiates a brand from the competitive pack.

An Iconic Idea is a meaningful symbol or concept consumers adopt to instantly identify and share your brand.

Imagine the advantage youÍd have over your competition if every time a consumer saw or heard a message from you: Click! They connected your brand with a distinctive emotion or idea.

An Iconic Idea is an instant embodiment of your brandÍs DNA. Honest and authentic. Differentiating and clear. Consumers recognize and remember this. Some even love you for it.

An Iconic Idea not only connects consumers with brands and product lines, it engages, focuses and inspires entire organizations. This can accelerate your marketplace momentum. Increase your service performance. And effortlessly put internal staff and external partners on the same page.

The power of an Iconic Idea is why Preston Kelly clients show results faster. And emerge upright and watertight from rough waters. It may also be why they keep us around over twice the industry average.

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They are headquartered at Minneapolis, MN, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Preston Kelly works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, LinkedIn Ads.