Prestonwood Baptist Church
Prestonwood is a diverse community of believers brought together by the transforming grace of Jesus Christ. A Southern Baptist church built on the inerrant truth of the Bible, Prestonwood shares the abiding love of God by caring for one another, and reaching into our neighborhoods, our region and the world with the Good News of salvation. Led for two decades by Pastor Jack Graham, Prestonwood is a church that brings God's Word to people in every situation, from
Religious Institutions
Plano, TX, United States

Prestonwood is a diverse community of believers brought together by the transforming grace of Jesus Christ. A Southern Baptist church built on the inerrant truth of the Bible, Prestonwood shares the abiding love of God by caring for one another, and reaching into our neighborhoods, our region and the world with the Good News of salvation. Led for two decades by Pastor Jack Graham, Prestonwood is a church that brings God's Word to people in every situation, from all walks of life, helping them to grow in love and service to our Creator and Lord.

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  • Bundle ID: com.friendsofppc.appname
  • App Size: 60.5 M
  • Version: 1.7
  • Release Date: April 28th, 2016
  • Update Date: February 8th, 2018


Prestonwood Pregnancy Center began as a ministry of Prestonwood Baptist Church in 1991. Pastor Jack Graham envisioned the center as a light in the darkness of the aftermath of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling that legalized abortion in the United States. This ministry stands as an affirmation of God’s love in a world that has seen more than a billion babies aborted worldwide since 1980. Over the past 25 years, we have had more than 60,000 client visits, confirmed more than 4,450 births, and witnessed over 2600 professions of faith.

The Prestonwood Pregnancy Center is a separate nonprofit, providing free and confidential guidance, pregnancy tests, early pregnancy sonograms, and educational classes. Our friendly and well-trained client advocates meet with clients individually to offer information and support both during and after an unplanned pregnancy. It is our goal to be the hands and feet of Jesus daily, in word and deed.

In June 2013, Prestonwood Pregnancy Center moved to a new location: 690 W. Campbell Road, Suite 150, Richardson, TX 75080. In addition, we offer services in Dallas and Collin counties via two Community Mobile Sonogram units. Community Mobile Sonogram is an RV retrofitted with a sonogram table that serves as a “pregnancy center on wheels.

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Prestonwood Baptist Church
They are headquartered at Plano, TX, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Prestonwood Baptist Church works with Advertising technology companies such as AppNexus, Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick.Net.