Pt Kinocare Era Kosmetindo
Kino corporation exists to compete in the consumer goods markets. Founded in 1991 by Harry Sanusi, our companies manufacture and market quality products from Foods to Confectionaries, Beverages, Personal Cares to Home Cares and Pharmaceuticals and our Distribution company distributes our products all across the country. Due to our extensive distribution networks, KinoÕs products are available in thousands of outlets throughout the entire Indonesian archipelago from hypermarkets to street kiosks. As a result of our performance, Kino has been awarded a Superbrands award by the London based Superbrands Council. Superbrands is a prestigious award given to brands based upon their market dominance, sustainability, number of loyal customers and overall market acceptance.
Consumer Goods
5,000 - 10,000
Bandung, Indonesia

Kino corporation exists to compete in the consumer goods markets. Founded in 1991 by Harry Sanusi, our companies manufacture and market quality products from Foods to Confectionaries, Beverages, Personal Cares to Home Cares and Pharmaceuticals and our Distribution company distributes our products all across the country. Due to our extensive distribution networks, KinoÕs products are available in thousands of outlets throughout the entire Indonesian archipelago from hypermarkets to street kiosks.
As a result of our performance, Kino has been awarded a Superbrands award by the London based Superbrands Council. Superbrands is a prestigious award given to brands based upon their market dominance, sustainability, number of loyal customers and overall market acceptance.

Site Traffic
  • 1138196 Global Rank
  • 28461
  • 85.8 K Estimated Visits
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Global Rank 411,418
Indonesia Rank 10,547
Indonesia Page Views 72.0%
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Pt Kinocare Era Kosmetindo receives traffic in countries such as Indonesia.

They are headquartered at Bandung, Indonesia, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Pt Kinocare Era Kosmetindo works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Coinhive.