We launch products invented by real people like you. We believe the best ideas in the world aren't actually in the world... they're locked inside people's heads. We exist to solve that problem. We make invention accessible. Since launching in 2009, Quirky has rapidly changed the way the world thinks about invention. We bring new consumer products to market by enabling a fluid conversation between a global community of inventors, Quirky's expert staff, and globally recognized consumer brands. The world influences our business in real-time, and we share our revenue directly with the inventors and partners who helped us launch the most innovative new products you've ever seen.
Consumer Goods
50 - 200
New York, NY, United States

We launch products invented by real people like you.

We believe the best ideas in the world aren't actually in the world... they're locked inside people's heads. We exist to solve that problem. We make invention accessible.

Since launching in 2009, Quirky has rapidly changed the way the world thinks about invention.

We bring new consumer products to market by enabling a fluid conversation between a global community of inventors, Quirky's expert staff, and globally recognized consumer brands.

The world influences our business in real-time, and we share our revenue directly with the inventors and partners who helped us launch the most innovative new products you've ever seen.

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  • 490591 Global Rank
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  • 54.6 K Estimated Visits
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Global Rank 159,766
India Rank 60,553
India Page Views 42.5%
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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
  • 10 SDKs
  • 114 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/quirky-inc/id456318176
  • App Support: http://support.quirky.com
  • Genre: Lifestyle
  • Bundle ID: com.quirky.quirky
  • App Size: 10.9 M
  • Version: 2.0.1
  • Release Date: September 16th, 2011
  • Update Date: June 2nd, 2014


Got a better idea? Get off the toilet -- or stay on -- and get onto Quirky! This is the only place where you can turn your ideas into real products! We make products that are invented and influenced by real people just like you.

Quirky's "Terms of Use" are available at http://www.quirky.com/home/terms

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Jun 04, 2014

Hate it

For being such an interesting and innovative website, Quirky fails at apps. It regularly freezes, stalls, and crashes. I can't see my inbox on my profile. Any time I'm dealing with my profile, it says "server error." It also says that occasionally when signing in. When I click on ideas I've submitted, all sorts of stuff comes up that I certainly didn't submit. It lets me influence the same products in the same ways multiple times (sometimes I forget which ones I've already done), which I'm pretty sure means my influence isn't being counted. Whereas, on the website, it tells me exactly which inventions I've already influenced and in what way. The app will kick me out in the middle of an influence survey anyway, so does that mean I voted or I didn't? Sometimes in the middle of being on the app, it'll tell me I'm not signed in when I signed in at the beginning on the session. It just doesn't work on any level, though I am grateful the last update let me see my followers. Now if only I could interact with them (like with my inbox) and see who I follow. The website's awesome, so I can't believe the app is such crap. Very disappointed.


Jun 01, 2014

Love the products, hate site

I have tried repeatedly in my phone (bc it us all available to me right now) to order and pay for two items. I can not because the page is scrolled up too high to enter my card number. No matter what I do to pull page down it won't allow me to enter number. Very frustrated. Then I tried to go in through the website instead of installed app and it lets me put in all my log in info but will not respond when I hit enter. Grrrrrr!


May 21, 2014


Where is the search feature? Seriously needs the ability to search instead of scrolling through lists.


May 06, 2014


I cant seem to see the ideas if influenced


May 05, 2014


Tried to sign up for an account using the app... Got a 'server error' message multiple times. Of course the website worked, so it's not down... Lame.

chilli 327

Apr 30, 2014


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Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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