We were born in Finland in 2009 and have grown up fast in a world where if you canÕt move with the times you become irrelevant. We work globally with Grey part of WPP but are based in Helsinki where our office is connected by staircase to our bar, Why Join the Navy when you can be a Pirate? We dream of a day when we pull together world class creativity alongside outstanding effectiveness, creating stuff we care about, making the world a better place for our customers and yours.
We hate SPAM. We truly believe that advertising should be a service to your customers not annoying, intrusive or a pain in the ass. We love creating work that makes a difference at the same time as making you famous.
NUMBERS ARE IN OUR CORE. Everyone who works with us believes in numbers, science and design. We always start with a hypothesis, which we try to disprove scientifically using numbers and then design a solution to test and optimise based on the most feasible solution.
WE CREATE BETTER AND MORE EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS through understanding your problem, designing a solution and executing it.
- Company Name:Quru
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Helsinki, Finland
10 - 50 employees
- 29150401 Global Rank
- 365482 Denmark

- Azerbaijan 84.0%
- Media Conglomerates
- Broadcasting
- 0 SDKs

- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/quru/id1155644165
- App Support: http://superhelsinki.com/about-contact
- Genre: Stickers
- Bundle ID: fi.quru.Quru-iOS-Sticker-Pack-Asa
- App Size: 9.14 M
- Version: 1.0
- Release Date: October 10th, 2016
- Update Date: October 10th, 2016
Analytical minds, this sticker pack is for you! Engage in geeky conversations with stickers covering A/B testing, SEO, marketing, conversions, consulting and analytics.
Any questions relating to analytics and marketing? Send a sticker to one of Finland's leading marketing and analytics agencies, Quru (part of SEK) and see how we can help.
Stay tuned for more fun content and updates.