Rcs Mediagroup
RCS is one of the worldÍs major multimedia publishing groups: strengthened by his independent and strong leadership, RCS has always acted respecting the principles of freedom, honesty and pluralism. Pursuing growth across all information and communication media, the Group has established leading positions in all its operating markets. RCS success is built on our high-quality publishing brands, as well as on the ability to develop and enhance iconic events and sp
1,000 - 5,000
Milano, Italy

RCS is one of the worldÍs major multimedia publishing groups: strengthened by his independent and strong leadership, RCS has always acted respecting the principles of freedom, honesty and pluralism. Pursuing growth across all information and communication media, the Group has established leading positions in all its operating markets. RCS success is built on our high-quality publishing brands, as well as on the ability to develop and enhance iconic events and sporting formats, and to exploit the potential for synergies and international expansion deriving from our multilingual and multi-country organisation, serving a total audience of over 30 million people.

RCS is active in all publishing sectors _ from newspapers to magazines, from TV to new media _ and in the organization of iconic and sport events like Giro dÍItalia and is among the leaders in terms of advertising sales and distribution. With over 30% of the turnover generated from the foreign markets, RCS _ listed on the Borsa Italiana _ has a significant presence in particular in Italy and Spain, with its leading newspapers and magazines. RCS infact is the publisher of the newspapers Corriere della Sera, La Gazzetta dello Sport, El Mundo, Marca e Expansion and of the magazines Oggi, Amica, Io Donna, Living, Style Magazine, Dove, Abitare, Sette, Sport Week, Telva, Yo Dona, Papel, Marca Motor, Fuera de Serie, Metropoli, Actualidad Economica.

RCS Group's primary objectives have always been to produce and provide culture, information, services and entertainment, in line with the principles of freedom, fairness and pluralism, including through technological development and innovation across all its media platforms. RCS wants to continue to inspire society and bring people closer together. Its goal is to be the most authoritative, innovative and culturally stimulating source of information for readers and for the wider world. Its business and financial strategies _ and the decisions that stem from them _ are designed to move RCS from strength to strength, and to make certain that its independence will never be put in doubt.

RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. is listed on the Blue Chip segment of the Italian Stock Exchange (ISIN code: IT0004931496).

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| RCS Web
  • 11 SDKs
  • 2 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/rcs-media/id502405843
  • App Support: http://www.rcsmediagroup.it/
  • Genre: Food & Drink
  • Bundle ID: it.rcs.newmedia.sfera.babyricette
  • App Size: 50.3 M
  • Version: 2.1
  • Release Date: March 5th, 2012
  • Update Date: September 16th, 2012


To you, mum, who want the best for your little one, we suggest the first exclusive Application that collects the best recipes to bring up your child to a healthy and varied diet without giving up taste.
From the first baby foods to the menus for the grown ones you'll find clear nutrition experts’ explanations to show you the nutritional properties of foods.
Everything is clear: ingredients, quantities, times, difficulty, preparation, the very useful in-depth note and, to finish pleasantly, the beautiful pictures of the result ... just a tap away!

Baby food and first dishes
For lunch and dinner, first courses should provide the right amount of starch, besides mineral salts and vitamins. Savoury pasta, rice, creams and soups are perfect, with olive oil, cheese and vegetables, which are appreciated by parents too. Keeping an eye on a healthy and varied diet, and checking the dressing, we have selected a number of tasty and appetizing recipes, which will allow your baby to store energy, ensuring adequate growth, but also to enjoy new tastes, combinations and textures, to develop his or her own preferences and curiosity towards food.

Main courses, vegetables
For a healthy and wholesome diet, we have selected a wide choice of recipes based on meat, fish, vegetables and pulses, which will allow you to prepare the best lunch and dinner for your child and for the whole family. Proteins, mineral salts and vitamins are essential for a healthy growth, and must therefore be included in daily menus. They are perfect dishes for a balanced and correct diet.
And if your child should refuse vegetables… you will always find some tasty tricks: surprise him or her with a coulourful sauce, appetizing green meatballs or savoury pies, a great help for all occasions.

Desserts and fruit
Sweet temptations for a tasty snack, to be eaten once in a while, in particular on special days, such as birthdays, or as a dessert at the end of an outstanding lunch. Lots of ideas for all occasions and all tastes: simple pies, filled pastry, puddings, creams, biscuits. There are simple recipes, some that are more elaborate, all of them devoted to children, for their parties or to recharge after they have played, practiced sports, or studied.
A world full of freshness: let fruit tickle your imagination too, making your dishes and palate sweeter with delicious light desserts.
And to enjoy tasteful, gratifying drinks, consider our suggestions for smoothies and juices, which are both healthy and yummy.

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Reviews (Newest First)


Feb 12, 2014

would have been nice

can't open either rece book. getting a message that the transaction has failed.


Apr 19, 2012

Recipe book

Thought this would have recipes for all ages but it doesn't have any baby food recipes :/
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They are headquartered at Milano, Italy, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Rcs Mediagroup works with Advertising technology companies such as Evidon, Twitter Ads.