Recyclebank inspires and rewards smarter, everyday choices for a more sustainable future. It brings together people, businesses and communities to achieve real world impact. By participating in household recycling and learning how to live more sustainable lifestyles, more than 4 million people earn points that translate into real savings for community and national brands. RecyclebankÍs online shop,, combines the companyÍs sustainability expertise
Renewables & Environment

Recyclebank inspires and rewards smarter, everyday choices for a more sustainable future. It brings together people, businesses and communities to achieve real world impact. By participating in household recycling and learning how to live more sustainable lifestyles, more than 4 million people earn points that translate into real savings for community and national brands. RecyclebankÍs online shop,, combines the companyÍs sustainability expertise and rewards program to help people choose products that are better for their home, their wallet and the planet. Recyclebank is a Certified B Corporation.

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Recyclebank
  • 10 SDKs
  • 2.32 Avg. Rating
  • 102 Total reviews
  • App Url:
  • App Support:
  • Genre: Lifestyle
  • Bundle ID:
  • App Size: 93.7 M
  • Version: 5.0.7
  • Release Date: October 8th, 2010
  • Update Date: August 1st, 2018



With Recyclebank, you’ll be able to get rewarded every time you help your community cut down on waste. From making it easier to find out what’s recyclable to making sure you’re earning points for keeping stuff out of the landfill at home and in the community, this is the only app you’ll need to lead a cleaner, greener and more rewarding life!

• Track Progress & Earn Points: You’ll be able to see how many points you’re earning through recycling and see what sort of rewards you qualify for.
• Check-In For Points: Earn points whenever you visit a local reward partner, visit an eligible community event or divert your waste at a designated drop off center.
• Reward Yourself: Shop our entire catalog for great deals from local and national restaurants, retailers, grocery stores and more.
• Recycling Lookup: Search by material to see if you can recycle it in your community.
• Reminders: We’ll help you keep track of recycling and trash pick up, and you’ll also be able to enter specialty collections like bulk and yard waste days.
• Easy Signup: If you’re not already a member, joining through the app is quick and easy.
• Refer Friends: Invite your contacts to share the savings. For every successful referral, you earn points or exclusive savings.

For more information on Recyclebank, please visit

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Reviews (Newest First)


Mar 05, 2017


Any time I click the star on Facebook he lower right to do anything it crashes! No point of downloading


Feb 27, 2017

Fix your app

You guys need to fix your app. I'd like to push my community to use your service but the app would be an embarrassment to the local government, to even recommend something that crash's every 5 seconds would be embarrassing. You should be ashamed right now. It's pitiful.


Feb 18, 2017


Every time I click on how to earn more points it shuts off. And I pay for this app.


Feb 16, 2017

Crash and burn

Trying to sign up and the app has crashed two times in a row. Erasing from my phone now.


Feb 12, 2017

Crashes all the time

The app developers need to put some money into upgrading and debugging the app. Every time I load the app, it crashes when I try to earn points or even acknowledge my recycling pickup every week. Now that they have more metro areas, the app needs an overhaul.


Feb 07, 2017

Crashy App Needs Recycling

I believe that there is a lot of good intent behind this app, but it continually crashes. I get free points for recycling which is an incentive. However, the redemption selection has become very poor in its choices. In the past I have received iTune gift cards, and a few magazines. Now the magazine selection is minimal and not of much interest. Also, I just used the app to use some points and subscribe to a magazine, as I was finishing up the app crashed, now I don't know if the order went through or not and there isn't a function to look at orders/previous orders. Please have your developers look into this and make this app like it should be!
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Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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