Rogue Wave Software
Rogue Wave tools span 40 years, offering everything from cloud-based-services to native platform applications to portable software libraries. But they all have a common, singular purpose: Making it easy to write, test, and run complex code. Our capabilities cover different languages, code bases, and platforms. Simply put, we meet development where _ and how _ it happens. Whether itÍs finding the right algorithm to forecast outcomes, building the foundation of C
Computer Software
200 - 500
Louisville, CO, United States

Rogue Wave tools span 40 years, offering everything from cloud-based-services to native platform applications to portable software libraries. But they all have a common, singular purpose: Making it easy to write, test, and run complex code.

Our capabilities cover different languages, code bases, and platforms. Simply put, we meet development where _ and how _ it happens. Whether itÍs finding the right algorithm to forecast outcomes, building the foundation of C++ applications, debugging multi-threaded and multi-core software, understanding open source use in proprietary code, or discovering security bugs earlier in development, we can help. Code is where we live, what we care about, and how we make our customersÍ software better.

WeÍre the largest independent provider of cross-platform software development tools, components, and platforms in the world. Through decades of solving the most complex problems across financial services, telecommunications, healthcare, government, academia, and other industries, Rogue Wave tools, components, platforms, and services enable developers to write better code, faster.

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