Royal United Services Institute
The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is an independent think tank engaged in cutting edge defence and security research. A unique institution, founded in 1831 by the Duke of Wellington, RUSI embodies nearly two centuries of forward thinking, free discussion and careful reflection on defence and security matters. RUSI consistently brings to the fore vital policy issues to both domestic and global audiences, enhancing its growing reputation as a ïthought-lead
Think Tanks
50 - 200
Whitehall, Orkney, United Kingdom
Royal United Services Institute

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is an independent think tank engaged in cutting edge defence and security research. A unique institution, founded in 1831 by the Duke of Wellington, RUSI embodies nearly two centuries of forward thinking, free discussion and careful reflection on defence and security matters.

RUSI consistently brings to the fore vital policy issues to both domestic and global audiences, enhancing its growing reputation as a ïthought-leader instituteÍ, winning Prospect magazine's Think Tank of the Year Award in 2008 and Foreign-policy Think Tank of the Year in 2009.

RUSI provides corporate and individual membership packages offering exclusive access to the UKÍs premier forum on defence and security. Through our publications and events, RUSI members benefit from authoritative analysis, insight and networks. RUSI is renowned for its specialist coverage of defence and security issues in the broadest sense. Our expertise has been utilised by governments, parliament and other key stakeholders.

RUSI is a British institution, but operates with an international perspective. Satellite offices in Doha and Washington DC reinforce our global reach. We have amassed over the years an outstanding reputation for quality and objectivity. Our heritage, location at the heart of Whitehall, together with our range of contacts both inside and outside government, give RUSI a unique insight and authority.

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  • Aerospace and Defense
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