Sakkom Interakt_v Online Marketing + Pr _gynksg
PrecÕz munkav_gz_s, folyamatos megÏjulàs _s eredm_nyorientàlt kommunikàciÑ jellemez minket a pr _s az online marketing terÙlet_n egyarànt. Online marketing szolgàltatàsi portfÑliÑnkba tartozik t_bbek k_z_tt az online marketing strat_giai tanàcsadàs, keres_hirdet_s (CPC kampàny), keres_optimalizàlàs (SEO), k_z_ss_gi marketing kampànyok _s honlapstrat_gia kialakÕtàsa.Gyakorlottak vagyunk pr strat_gia kialakÕtàsàban, sajtÑkommunikàciÑs feladatok ell
Public Relations and Communications
1 - 10
Budapest, Hungary
Sakkom Interakt_v Online Marketing + Pr _gynksg

PrecÕz munkav_gz_s, folyamatos megÏjulàs _s eredm_nyorientàlt kommunikàciÑ jellemez minket a pr _s az online marketing terÙlet_n egyarànt.

Online marketing szolgàltatàsi portfÑliÑnkba tartozik t_bbek k_z_tt az online marketing strat_giai tanàcsadàs, keres_hirdet_s (CPC kampàny), keres_optimalizàlàs (SEO), k_z_ss_gi marketing kampànyok _s honlapstrat_gia kialakÕtàsa.Gyakorlottak vagyunk pr strat_gia kialakÕtàsàban, sajtÑkommunikàciÑs feladatok ellàtàsàban, B2B kommunikàciÑ menedzsel_s_ben, illetve online pr kampànyok menedzsel_s_ben is.

Referenciàink k_z_tt szerepelnek a k_vetkez_ iparàgak meghatàrozÑ k_pvisel_i: IT, telekommunikàciÑ, eg_szs_gÙgy, autÑipar, energia szektor, illetve HR _s idegenforgalom. MegbÕzÑink k_z_ tartozik a, az UNION BiztosÕtÑ, a Randstad, az IP Systems, a Sarantis Hungary, a Bravos _s a REGIO Jàt_k.

SAKKOM InteraktÕv is a Hungarian integrated marketing communication and pr agency. We're experts in the field of online and offline marketing such as advertising, search engine marketing (SEO+CPC), social and mobile marketing, e-mail campaigns, website building etc. We issue press releases on behalf of our clients and organize press conferences besides social and B2B communication.

Certifications and Awards:
´ B2B Award (2016)
´ TOP PR Agency (2014, 2015, 2016)
´ Content Marketing Award (2014,2016)
´ Irànyt_ - Turizmus Trend: III. (2014)
´ PRizma KreatÕv PR Award (2013-2015)
´ Sàndor Imre PR Award (2012-2015)
´ Google AdWords Professional (Search Advertising and Reporting) (2004-)
´ KreatÕv Online Copywriter (2011)

Our references are the significant players of IT sector, car industry, telecommunication, energy and health care industry. Our clients are, UNION BiztosÕtÑ, Randstad, IP Systems, Sarantis Hungary, Bravos and REGIO Jàt_k. Check more here:

Check our services here:
´ PR:
´ online marketing:

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They are headquartered at Budapest, Hungary, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.