Schmalz Vacuum Technology
Schmalz is the global market leader in vacuum automation and ergonomic handling solutions. Schmalz products are used all over the world in applications in the logistics, glass, metal, automotive, packaging, and wood industry sects. The wide range of products in the Vacuum Automation unit includes individual components such as suction cups and vacuum generators, as well as complete gripping systems and clamping solutions for holding work pieces. Our Handli
Industrial Automation
Glatten, Germany

Schmalz is the global market leader in vacuum automation and ergonomic handling solutions. Schmalz products are used all over the world in applications in the logistics, glass, metal, automotive, packaging, and wood industry sects. The wide range of products in the Vacuum Automation unit includes individual components such as suction cups and vacuum generators, as well as complete gripping systems and clamping solutions for holding work pieces. Our Handling Systems unit offers innovative handling solutions with vacuum lifters and crane systems for industrial and handicraft applications. With the business unit Energy Storage, Schmalz has created a new pillar in the field of stationary energy storage. With comprehensive consulting, a focus on innovation and first-class quality, Schmalz offers its customers long-lasting benefits. SchmalzÕs intelligent solutions make production and logistics processes more flexible and efficient, while also preparing them for the increasing trend toward digitalization. With its own locations and its sales partners, Schmalz is represented in more than 80 countries and in all important markets. The family owned company has over 1,300 employees at its headquarters in Glatten (in the Black Forest region of Germany) and its 18 international subsidiaries.

Schmalz Inc.
5850 Oak Forest Drive
NC 27616

Tel. +1 (919) 713-0880
Fax +1 (919) 713-0883

For more information visit, follow us on Twitter ( or Facebook ( or see our Youtube channel: or follow us on instagram @schmalzusa (

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| Schmalz ControlRoom
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  • Bundle ID: com.schmalz.controlroom
  • App Size: 4.82 M
  • Release Date: October 5th, 2017
  • Update Date: September 26th, 2019


With the Schmalz ControlRoom Schmalz devices can be identified, read and parameterized. Times for the initial setup and maintenance can be shortened significantly.

In addition, the smart field devices from Schmalz collect data directly from the process. This real time data can be analyzed in the ControlRoom and can provide relevant insights in the efficiency and the availability of the system. The basic functionality includes the output of device data and error messages. Additional premium features can be added via in-app-purchases.

Overview of the functions:

Basic functions:

• Identification of Schmalz devices
• Display of process information
• Display of settings
• Display of error and warning messages
• Access to additional documents and contact to the Schmalz service

Premium functions:

• Editing of device information and localization data (storage location, installation location, date of installation)
• Editing of device settings and process settings such as vacuum levels and switching points
• Transfer of settings from one device to another (Cloning)

The NFC-connection is established between the product and the smartphone (see the NFC logo on the product). Data can be read and edited on the smartphone and transferred back to the product.

If the Schmalz device has no power supply, data can still be read. Changes in values will be saved and activated once the power supply is restored.

Advantages of the Schmalz ControlRoom:

• Availability of the most important data on one device
• Purchasing costs will be reduced by up to 40 percent (no additional display needed)
• Installation time decreases by up to 75 percent
• Service times will be reduced by up to 80 percent
• Cost reduction due to lower machine downtimes

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