Segundamano Mxico es el mayor portal de anuncios clasificados en todo MŽxico. Cuenta con la mayor oferta en l’nea de empleo, ropa, videojuegos, inmobiliaria, autos, electr—nica y m‡s. Buscamos ser el mejor punto de encuentro entre vendedores y compradores que est‡n cerca el uno del otro. El sitio pertenece a la multinacional noruega Schibsted, una de las empresas de Tecnolog’a y Productos mas emocionante y ambiciosa de Euro
About es el mayor portal de anuncios clasificados en todo MŽxico. Cuenta con la mayor oferta en l’nea de empleo, ropa, videojuegos, inmobiliaria, autos, electr—nica y m‡s.

Buscamos ser el mejor punto de encuentro entre vendedores y compradores que est‡n cerca el uno del otro.

El sitio pertenece a la multinacional noruega Schibsted, una de las empresas de Tecnolog’a y Productos mas emocionante y ambiciosa de Europa. Con mas de 250 millones de usuarios, operaciones en 44 pa’ses en los 5 continentes, servicios de Internet que van desde la creaci—n y publicaci—n de contenido digital, online marketplaces y docenas de empresas en nuevos espacios, Schibsted es una de las empresas digitales europeas m‡s exitosa, ambiociosa y de r‡pido crecimiento.

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Global Rank 6,980
Mexico Rank 101
Mexico Page Views 97.6%
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2Jan 30Feb 1Feb 3Feb 5Feb 7Feb 9Feb 11Feb 13Feb 15Feb 17Feb 19Feb 21Feb 23Feb 25Feb 2712500500075001000012500
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2Jan 30Feb 1Feb 3Feb 5Feb 7Feb 9Feb 11Feb 13Feb 15Feb 17Feb 19Feb 21Feb 23Feb 25Feb 270 M10 M20 M30 M
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  • Wrestling
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  • World Wrestling Entertainment
Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Segundamano - Compra y Vende
  • 10 SDKs
  • 3.43 Avg. Rating
  • 34 Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Shopping
  • Bundle ID: com.scmcoord.SegundaManoMX
  • App Size: 184 M
  • Version: 12.7.6
  • Release Date: November 12th, 2014
  • Update Date: March 21st, 2021


¡La mejor app para comprar y vender cerca de ti! Encuentra millones de anuncios.

Segundamano es la mejor página de compra y venta de anuncios clasificados gratis en todo México.

- Encuentra miles de productos y servicios cerca de ti.
- Vende lo que ya no usas y gana dinero.
- Administra tus anuncios fácilmente desde “Mi cuenta”.
- En, publicar tus anuncios es 100% GRATIS.

¿Cómo vender?
Sube tus anuncios totalmente gratis desde nuestra aplicación. Toma las fotos, describe tu producto y publica. Sin intermediarios ni comisiones. Es así de fácil.

¿Cómo comprar?
Con nuestras opciones de búsqueda, es muy fácil encontrar lo que quieres comprar. Autos, casas, computadoras, consolas de videojuegos, hogar y electrodomésticos, salud y belleza y muchas más, encuentra lo que buscas en cualquier momento desde tu celular o iPad.

Daily Downloads Feb 01 - 28, 2025
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2Mexico31. May150100150200

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Reviews (Newest First)

Pocholo Jr

Dec 09, 2016

No fallen

La aplicación esta fallando no abre, cuando pondrían solución.

Seattle 4

Oct 18, 2016

Internacional marketing

No la recomiendo , tienes que pagar para subir fotos , esta mejor Vivanuncios ... allí puedes subir 8 fotos sin costo alguno .


Oct 11, 2016

Buena o mala

El app está excelente, mi puntuación de 1 estrella es porque no tienen medias de seguridad y por lo tanto quienes te contactan para comprar son estafadores intente vender un artículo y lo único que logre fue que ahora mensaje tras mensaje de alguien queriendo estafarme


Aug 26, 2016


Se tarda en publicar lo que necesito

Regio Texano

Aug 14, 2016

No funciona

Trató de responder los mensajes de la gente y dice que no está disponible por el momento, ya llevo más de un día así, y la reinstale y nada


Aug 07, 2016

Feo diseno

Si pensaba que el anterior era feo Ahora este que parece app de ninos chiquitos peor
Launch Services
macOS Launch Services is an API that enables a running app to open other apps or their document files, similar to the Finder or the Dock.Launch Services eliminates apps having to query the Finder to open an app, document, or URL for them. The macOS Finder itself uses Launch Services to perform such tasks. Because the Finder performs no additional processing beyond calling Launch Services, any client using Launch Services for these purposes behaves identically to the Finder.
System Configuration F...
This collection of documents describes the programming interfaces of the System Configuration framework. The System Configuration framework provides functions that determine the reachability of target hosts in both a synchronous and an asynchronous manner. It also provides error detection facilities.
Core Foundation Framework
Core Foundation is a framework that provides fundamental software services useful to application services, application environments, and to applications themselves. Core Foundation also provides abstractions for common data types, facilitates internationalization with Unicode string storage, and offers a suite of utilities such as plug-in support, XML property lists, URL resource access, and preferences.
Use uniform type identifier (UTI) information to create and manipulate data that can be exchanged between your app and other apps and services using MobileCoreServices.
Quartz Core Framework
Allow users to browse, edit, and save images, using slideshows and Core Image filters.The Quartz Composer API supports processing and rendering graphical data and allows developers to create custom patches for the Quartz Composer developer tool. ImageKit provides user interface support for browsing, editing, and saving images, showing slideshows, and browsing and previewing Core Image filters. PDFKit is a technology that allows applications to display and manipulate PDF documents.
The AV Foundation framework provides an Objective-C interface for managing and playing audio-visual media in iOS and OS X applications.
Core Graphics
The Core Graphics framework is based on the Quartz advanced drawing engine. It provides low-level, lightweight 2D rendering with unmatched output fidelity. You use this framework to handle path-based drawing, transformations, color management, offscreen rendering, patterns, gradients and shadings, image data management, image creation, and image masking, as well as PDF document creation, display, and parsing.
Core Location Framework
The Core Location framework lets you determine the current location or heading associated with a device. The framework uses the available hardware to determine the user’s position and heading. You use the classes and protocols in this framework to configure and schedule the delivery of location and heading events. You can also use it to define geographic regions and monitor when the user crosses the boundaries of those regions. In iOS, you can also define a region around a Bluetooth beacon.
Foundation Framework
The Foundation framework provides a base layer of functionality for apps and frameworks, including data storage and persistence, text processing, date and time calculations, sorting and filtering, and networking. The classes, protocols, and data types defined by Foundation are used throughout the macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs.
The UIKit framework (UIKit.framework) provides the crucial infrastructure needed to construct and manage iOS apps. This framework provides the window and view architecture needed to manage an app’s user interface, the event handling infrastructure needed to respond to user input, and the app model needed to drive the main run loop and interact with the system.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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Segundamano Mxico receives up to 1M pageviews per day, in countries such as Mexico, United States.

They are headquartered at Mexico, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Segundamano Mxico works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Facebook Custom Audiences, AppNexus, SiteScout, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Criteo, Facebook Exchange FBX, TripleLift, ContextWeb, Openads/OpenX, Yahoo Small Business, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Burst Media, Index Exchange, IponWeb BidSwitch, RhythmOne, ADTECH, Adify, Drawbridge, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Criteo OneTag, The Trade Desk, Rocket Fuel, AppNexus Ad Tag, Media Innovation Group, Google Remarketing, BlueKai DMP, BlueKai, PubMatic Direct, SmartAdServer Reseller, Google Direct, AppNexus Reseller, Ads.txt, RubiconProject Direct, PubMatic Reseller, FreeWheel Reseller, Improve Digital Reseller, AppNexus Direct, Taboola, Tapad, Omnitag, Improve Digital, Integral Ad Science, GetIntent, Adhigh, Yahoo Ad Sync, Walmart, Infolinks, eXelate,, Nativo, Weborama, Amazon Ad System, Amazon Associates, AdGear, GumGum, Dstillery, Tribal Fusion, Magnetic, Teads Direct, SkimLinks, BidTheatre, Prebid, RTB House,, DistrictM Direct, Google Reseller, DemDex, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Turn, RadiumOne, Yieldmo, Outbrain, Sharethrough, Teads, Google AdSense Integrator, Evidon,, Beeswax, AOL Reseller, SpotXChange Direct, Geniee, E-Planning Direct, RubiconProject Reseller, SmartAdServer Direct, ContextWeb Reseller, OpenX Reseller, Sovrn Reseller, GroundTruth Reseller, DistrictM Reseller, LoopMe Reseller, Videology, DoubleVerify, MicroAd, Admedo, SpotXchange, EMX, RhythmOne Reseller, IndexExchange Direct, Admixer Direct, vidoomy Direct, Beachfront Reseller, Fyber Reseller, LKQD Reseller, Tremor Video Reseller, Smartclip Direct, SpotXChange Reseller, FreeWheel Direct, Google Publisher Tag, Sociomantic, Adelphic, Blis, Segmento, Direct, Aniview Reseller, SpringServe Direct, BidSwitch, Flashtalking, Sovrn Direct, Lijit Direct, So-net Media, Cinarra, Neustar AdAdvisor, 33 Across Direct, ORC International Reseller, Undertone Direct, Amazon Direct, RhythmOne Direct, Triple Lift Direct, Rich Audience Direct, Adform Direct, AOL Direct, AerServ Reseller, IndexExchange Reseller, Lijit Reseller, Mobfox Reseller, Smaato Reseller, StackAdapt, Freebit Admind, Avocet, Technorati Media, Sonobi, AdYouLike Direct, ucfunnel Direct, Beachfront Direct, Brightcom Direct, ContextWeb Direct, Converstand Media Direct, ORC International Direct, GumGum Direct, Improve Digital Direct, Insticator Direct, LKQD Direct, LoopMe Direct, OpenX Direct, RTB House Direct, Sekindo Direct, Primis Direct, Smaato Direct, Sonobi Direct, Synacor Direct, Reseller, AdMan Reseller, AdYouLike Reseller, AvantisVideo Reseller, GumGum Reseller, OneTag Reseller, Rich Audience Reseller, RTB House Reseller, ShareThrough Reseller, Synacor Reseller, Telaria Reseller, Triple Lift Reseller, Yahoo Reseller, OnAudience, Admixer, Chocolate Direct, Connatix Direct, Infolinks Direct, Kargo Direct, Direct, ShareThrough Direct, Telaria Direct, Tremor Video Direct, Yieldmo Direct, 33 Across Reseller, Nativo Reseller, Taboola Direct, WMG International, Forensiq, JW Player Tracking, Google Inteactive Media Ads, Header Tag by Index Exchange, Emerse, Bidtellect Reseller, Yahoo Direct, App-Ads.txt, OneTag Direct, Adform Reseller, The MediaGrid Reseller, Yieldmo Reseller, Connectad Direct, Outbrain Direct, The MediaGrid Direct, Connectad Reseller, Criteo Reseller, Consent Management Platform API v 2.0, Quantum Native Solutions Reseller.