Serge Ferrari
A world leader in flexible composite materials. As the inventor of Pr_contraint technology, we design and manufacture flexible high performance composite materials : ´ High performance building materials Lightweight architecture, bioclimatic facade, solar protection, acoustic solutions and watertight insulation ´ Advanced materials Modular structures, agroenergy and environmental protection, ´ Furniture & Design materials Indoor and outdoor furniture, fittings ´ Outdoor materials Awnings , canopies , shadesails and ecolodge ´ Yachting protection ´ Visual communication Beyond products, Serge Ferrari is also committed to providing the best possible support to its customers: > with skilled technical resources supporting customers > with application advice aiming at specified sales, > with suitable technical documents, > by providing training to customers, > with its specification department dedicated to specifyers, architects and designers, and building contractors. Serge Ferrari has developed its activities on a global basis, from its European manufacturing to operational commercial sites on the 5 continents. Hence, Serge Ferrari teams are able to support international projects as well as to adapt their products and services to local needs. The Group masters every production chain discipline (vertical integration) from product design to recycling with Texyloop, Serge Ferrari operational recycling chain.
500 - 1,000
St-Jean-De-Soudain, France

A world leader in flexible composite materials.

As the inventor of Pr_contraint technology, we design and manufacture flexible high performance composite materials :

´ High performance building materials
Lightweight architecture, bioclimatic facade, solar protection, acoustic solutions and watertight insulation

´ Advanced materials
Modular structures, agroenergy and environmental protection,

´ Furniture & Design materials
Indoor and outdoor furniture, fittings

´ Outdoor materials
Awnings , canopies , shadesails and ecolodge

´ Yachting protection

´ Visual communication

Beyond products, Serge Ferrari is also committed to providing the best possible support to its customers:
> with skilled technical resources supporting customers
> with application advice aiming at specified sales,
> with suitable technical documents,
> by providing training to customers,
> with its specification department dedicated to specifyers, architects and designers, and building contractors.

Serge Ferrari has developed its activities on a global basis, from its European manufacturing to operational commercial sites on the 5 continents.
Hence, Serge Ferrari teams are able to support international projects as well as to adapt their products and services to local needs.

The Group masters every production chain discipline (vertical integration) from product design to recycling with Texyloop, Serge Ferrari operational recycling chain.

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  • Genre: Lifestyle
  • Version: 1.5
  • Release Date: July 18th, 2013


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Serge Ferrari
Serge Ferrari
Serge Ferrari receives up to 0.1M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at St-Jean-De-Soudain, France, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Serge Ferrari works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, LinkedIn Ads.