Sha Wellness Clinic
SHA is a pioneering wellness clinic dedicated to improving peopleÕs health and well-being through a fusion of ancient oriental disciplines and revolutionary western techniques. The main areas are the SHA Method, based on an intensely purifying, well-balanced diet that follows the main principles of macrobiotics adapted for modern times and combined with natural therapies; the SHA healthy ageing, which is capable of slowing down the ageing process and prevent
Health, Wellness and Fitness
1 - 10
L'Alfàs Del Pi, Alicante, Spain

SHA is a pioneering wellness clinic dedicated to improving peopleÕs health and well-being through a fusion of ancient oriental disciplines and revolutionary western techniques. The main areas are the SHA Method, based on an intensely purifying, well-balanced diet that follows the main principles of macrobiotics adapted for modern times and combined with natural therapies; the SHA healthy ageing, which is capable of slowing down the ageing process and preventing illness through the application of the most advanced techniques; and the aesthetic medicine unit, which enables us to achieve outstanding results on both body and face using non-invasive techniques. All SHAÕs programmes and treatments are created and supervised by world renowned experts including the eminent Michio Kushi, the world leader in modern macrobiotics.


SHA es una cl’nica de bienestar dedicada a mejorar la salud y bienestar de las personas mediante la fusi—n de las antiguas disciplinas orientales y las revolucionarias tŽcnicas occidentales. Las ‡reas principales de SHA son: el mŽtodo SHA, el cual se fundamenta en una dieta altamente depurativa basada en los principios macrobi—ticos adaptados a los tiempos modernos, equilibrada para las necesidades de cada persona, combinada con terapias naturales, la unidad de medicina antienvejecimiento (anti-aging), capaz de ralentizar el proceso de envejecimiento y prevenir enfermedades mediante la aplicaci—n de las mas avanzadas tŽcnicas, y la unidad de medicina estŽtica, la cual le permitir‡ conseguir unos resultados excelentes tanto a nivel facial como a nivel corporal de la forma menos invasiva posible. Todo ello, creado y supervisado por expertos de reconocido prestigio mundial entre los que figura el conocido Michio Kushi, l’der mundial de la macrobi—tica moderna.

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| SHA Wellness Clinic
  • 0 SDKs
  • 0 Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Health & Fitness
  • Bundle ID: com.criteriastudio.sha.corporate.ipad
  • App Size: 28.3 M
  • Version: 1.2
  • Release Date: March 6th, 2013
  • Update Date: July 1st, 2013


Sha Wellness Clinic, the pioneering international health resort that promotes well-being and a healthy life style has launched this exclusive iPad Corporative app to provide unique experiences and sensations in real time.

This app is designed to give you the complete SHA experience in a totally innovative and appealing way; in turn, it will also provide you with more readily-available information in real time about the SHA concept.

This app will make your SHA experience easier and more enjoyable with these advanced features:

-VIEW our best rates and enticing offers
-DISCOVER healthy tips for your daily routine, online classes from SHA experts (Yoga, Pilates, Fitness, Healthy Cooking lessons, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc.)
-BROWSE full Wellness Clinic &Spa treatments and services available, learn about its benefits.
-LEARN the amazing history and concept of SHA by his Founder
-TAKE a Virtual Tour through our 5* facilities
-ENJOY our most successful healthy recipes step by step
-SHA TV : view tips and recommendations from our guests and experts, recommended films, etc.
-BOOK your next trip instantly from wherever you are.
-PRIVATE Area for guests: team directory, share your experience, activities and entertainment directory (check out your own agenda, the classes, speakers and much more in real time), take the feedback survey to let us know what you think, etc.

Enjoy the paradise on earth!

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Sha Wellness Clinic
Sha Wellness Clinic
Sha Wellness Clinic
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