SIFI, the leading Italian ophthalmic company, has been focused on Eye Care since its foundation in 1935. Our mission is to provide ophthalmologists and their patients with a wide range of therapeutic solutions to treat the most common eye diseases, by manufacturing and marketing innovative pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
SIFI features an integrated business model, from research & development to manufacturing and commercialization both in the pharmaceutical and biomedical sectors. SIFI develops its competitive advantage through a combination of internal R&D, which has led to more than 60 patents in the last few years, and a strong international network of alliances to develop new products and to market its wide product portfolio overseas.
Our offering is completed with ophthalmic nutraceuticals, cosmetics and diagnostic instruments, that leverage on our specialty know-how.
SIFIÍs 80-years history is distinguished with the pursuit of excellence and the highest level of educational service to the ophthalmic community, most notably in Italy.
Currently the SIFI Group employs around 360 people _ more than 20 in R&D - and has a turnover of about ó 65 million. Each year SIFI invests approximately 10% of sales in R&D.
The Group is organized into two business areas _ Pharma and Medtech _ and its products are sold in more than 15 countries worldwide, with commercial subsidiaries in Mexico and Romania.
- Company Name:Sifi Spa - Eyecare Together
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Aci S. Antonio, Catania, Italy
- 2879198 Global Rank
- 178142 Italy
- United States 23.0%
- India 17.7%
- Pakistan 4.4%
- Canada 4.2%
- China 3.1%
- Botanical Gardens and Arboreta
- 0 SDKs
- 0 Total reviews
- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: medical
- Bundle ID: com.medtech.sifi
- App Size: 1.95 M
- Version: 1
- Release Date: July 11th, 2013
- Update Date: July 11th, 2013
Sifi Medtech SIFI Medtech è un’azienda italiana fortemente impegnata nella progettazione, sviluppo, produzione e commercializzazione, a livello nazionale e internazionale, di dispositivi medico – chirurgici e strumenti diagnostici per l'oftalmologia.
La missione dell’azienda è soddisfare i bisogni medici dei pazienti, offrendo all’oftalmologo soluzioni tecnologicamente avanzate che migliorano la qualità della visione e, quindi, della vita.
Questa applicazione offre la possibilità di tenerti informato sulla chirurgia della cataratta e sulle nostre novità in campo oftalmologico sia chirurgico che diagnostico. Il geolocator permetterà di scoprire il distributore più vicino a te. Se non hai trovato risposta alle tue domande, troverai nell’applicazione tutti i nostri contatti.
SIFI Medtech is an Italian company, dedicated to the design, development, production and domestic and international marketing of medical-surgical devices and diagnostic equipments for ophthalmology.
The mission of the company is to meet the medical needs of patients by offering the ophthalmologists several technologically advanced solutions aimed at improving the patients' quality of vision, and therefore, life.
Stay informed on cataract surgery and our news in both surgical and diagnostic field of ophthalmology. This Application allows to display information and images about the products and videos of cataract surgery.
The Geolocator will help to find the nearest distributor to you. If you didn’t find all the answers to your questions, please find all our contacts downloading this Application.