Siva - Importador Volkswagen, Audi E Koda
A SIVA Ð Sociedade de Importa‹o de Ve’culos Autom—veis, SA Ð integra o conjunto de empresas que constituem o Grupo SAG, para a distribui‹o das Marcas do Grupo Volkswagen no mercado portugus: Volkswagen, Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini, _koda e Volkswagen Ve’culos Comerciais. Foi constitu’da em Agosto de 1987 a partir da aquisi‹o, pelo empres‡rio Jo‹o Pereira Coutinho, da Volkswagen Portugal Autom—veis Lda., ˆ Žpoca importador, em situa‹o e
200 - 500
Azambuja, Portugal
Siva - Importador Volkswagen, Audi E Koda

A SIVA Ð Sociedade de Importa‹o de Ve’culos Autom—veis, SA Ð integra o conjunto de empresas que constituem o Grupo SAG, para a distribui‹o das Marcas do Grupo Volkswagen no mercado portugus: Volkswagen, Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini, _koda e Volkswagen Ve’culos Comerciais.

Foi constitu’da em Agosto de 1987 a partir da aquisi‹o, pelo empres‡rio Jo‹o Pereira Coutinho, da Volkswagen Portugal Autom—veis Lda., ˆ Žpoca importador, em situa‹o econ—mica dif’cil, das Marcas Volkswagen e Audi.

No primeiro ano completo de actividade, que coincidiu com a liberaliza‹o das importa›es de ve’culos provenientes da UE, a SIVA vendeu mais de 16.000 viaturas, quando no ano anterior as Marcas por ela representadas tinham vendido menos de 600 autom—veis.

Em poucos anos, a SIVA relanou de forma assinal‡vel a imagem e a credibilidade das Marcas Volkswagen e Audi, em estreita parceria com o Grupo Volkswagen e as Redes de Concession‡rios, garantindo-lhes o lugar de destaque compat’vel com a qualidade e prest’gio dos seus produtos.

A representa‹o de Marcas alargou-se ˆ _koda em 1992 e ˆs Marcas de Luxo Bentley e Lamborghini em 2000 e 2002, respectivamente.

Assumindo a liderana do mercado de ve’culos de passageiros em Janeiro de 1998, a SIVA constituiu a gŽnese do inovador projecto integrado e multimarca que, a partir de 2000, recebeu a denomina‹o de SAG Ð Solu›es Autom—vel Globais, SGPS SA.

Ës ‡reas da Importa‹o e Distribui‹o de Ve’culos, Peas e Acess—rios foi-se juntando uma oferta global e completa de servios conexos com o autom—vel, uma estratŽgia que permitiu responder com sucesso ˆs crescentes exigncias e sofistica‹o do mercado, assegurando uma maior satisfa‹o e fideliza‹o dos Clientes e reforando a parceria com o Grupo Volkswagen e Redes de Concession‡rios.

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  • 10 SDKs
  • 4.6 Avg. Rating
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  • Genre: Education
  • Bundle ID: me.siva.mozhiproject.tamil101
  • App Size: 8.14 M
  • Version: 1.4
  • Release Date: January 14th, 2014
  • Update Date: November 13th, 2019


Learn to write and pronounce Tamil language alphabets easily using three fun modes.
• EASY mode provides a hand pointer to guide you in writing the alphabets.
• NORMAL mode is the next level where you would practice writing with more accuracy.
• FREESTYLE mode gives you the freedom to write in your own style. You can use this mode to test your learning from the other modes.

As you practice and learn new alphabets, you can also easily share a screenshot with your friends. Learn, share and enjoy!

Please visit the support link and suggest a new feature that you would like to see in the future updates.

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May 22, 2016


இந்தச் செயலியால் தான் இரு வயது மகளுக்கு எழுத்துகள் அறிமுகப்ப்படுத்த முடிகிறது. "நான் ஆனா ஆவன்னா வண்ணம் தீட்டப் போகிறேன்" என்று அன்றாடம் கேட்டு விளையாடுவாள். மெய்யெழுத்துகளுக்கு மூக்கால் "பொட்டு" வைப்பாள். கோரிக்கை: உயிர்மெய் எழுத்துகளும் ஈரெழுத்துச் சொற்களும் (ஒலியும்).


Feb 21, 2016

Good App

Really well done 👍

Nov 12, 2015

Kids friendly app

Thanks for a great app.. Please update the app with all the letters. Thanks

Oct 24, 2015

Very good but need some improveme

Hi Siva, very good app my 1.11month son liked your app. Following are my suggestions of improvement like 1) trace starting circle into a 3D nob so kids know instantly to pull it. 2)Add optional loop sound of the letter repeating automatically at slower phase in the background 3)Add optional 3D feel for writer by providing mild vibrations while kids trace the glass screen


Jul 03, 2015

Kids love this app

It's so much easier to teach Tamil... Best is sound effects, good job!


Jun 28, 2015

Awesome app

Fun and easy to use!!
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Core Foundation Framework
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Foundation Framework
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Launch Services
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Security Framework
Secure the data your app manages. Protect information and control access to your app.
StoreKit enables users to embed a store in their app. It also process financial transactions associated with the purchase of content and services.
System Configuration F...
This collection of documents describes the programming interfaces of the System Configuration framework. The System Configuration framework provides functions that determine the reachability of target hosts in both a synchronous and an asynchronous manner. It also provides error detection facilities.
The UIKit framework (UIKit.framework) provides the crucial infrastructure needed to construct and manage iOS apps. This framework provides the window and view architecture needed to manage an app’s user interface, the event handling infrastructure needed to respond to user input, and the app model needed to drive the main run loop and interact with the system.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
They are headquartered at Azambuja, Portugal, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Siva - Importador Volkswagen, Audi E Koda works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Floodlight Counter, Google Remarketing.