Skyline Corporation
Founded in 1951 in Elkhart, Indiana, Skyline initially produced the affordable housing units popularly known as house trailers or mobile homes. These units evolved into today's manufactured and modular housing. In 1960, we opened our first travel trailer plant. During its 50-plus years of operation, Skyline has built more than 870,000 homes and 460,000 recreational vehicles (RVs), most of them travel trailers. Skyline continues to be committed to producing the best products at the best prices. It has earned a reputation for uncompromising integrity in all of its relationships with communities, suppliers, retailers and with the hundreds of thousands of Americans who live in Skyline-built homes and enjoy Skyline-built RVs.
1,000 - 5,000
Elkhart, IN, United States

Founded in 1951 in Elkhart, Indiana, Skyline initially produced the affordable housing units popularly known as house trailers or mobile homes. These units evolved into today's manufactured and modular housing. In 1960, we opened our first travel trailer plant. During its 50-plus years of operation, Skyline has built more than 870,000 homes and 460,000 recreational vehicles (RVs), most of them travel trailers.

Skyline continues to be committed to producing the best products at the best prices. It has earned a reputation for uncompromising integrity in all of its relationships with communities, suppliers, retailers and with the hundreds of thousands of Americans who live in Skyline-built homes and enjoy Skyline-built RVs.

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They are headquartered at Elkhart, IN, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.