Smarsh¨ delivers cloud-based archiving solutions for the information-driven enterprise. The Smarsh platform provides a unified compliance and e-discovery workflow across the entire range of digital communications, including email, public and enterprise social media, websites, instant messaging and mobile messaging. With Smarsh, you can search and review all of your content in one place, creating efficiency and peace of mind. Founded in 2001, Smarsh help
Information Technology and Services
200 - 500
Portland, OR, United States

Smarsh¨ delivers cloud-based archiving solutions for the information-driven enterprise. The Smarsh platform provides a unified compliance and e-discovery workflow across the entire range of digital communications, including email, public and enterprise social media, websites, instant messaging and mobile messaging. With Smarsh, you can search and review all of your content in one place, creating efficiency and peace of mind.

Founded in 2001, Smarsh helps more than 20,000 organizations meet regulatory compliance, e-discovery and record retention requirements. The company is headquartered in Portland, Ore. with offices in New York City, Atlanta, Boston, Los Angeles and London. For more information, visit, follow @SmarshInc on Twitter or like Smarsh on Facebook at

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MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Smarsh - SmarshIM Mobile
  • 0 SDKs
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  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Business
  • App Size: 2.84 M
  • Version: 1.0
  • Release Date: August 1st, 2012


smarshIM Mobile is a free application download that requires a paid account on the smarshIM service to operate.

smarshIM is a turnkey corporate instant messaging and IM archiving service that can be used by any firm. Users can communicate securely with other employees in their organization over an encrypted corporate network, and the smarshIM platform also enables communication with third-party users on public networks.

Organizations meet regulatory compliance or e-discovery obligations by leveraging smarshIM for archiving. Instant messages are captured, indexed and preserved and can be searched, supervised and produced on-demand by service administrators.

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Smarsh receives up to 0.4M pageviews per day, in countries such as United States, India.

They are headquartered at Portland, OR, United States, and have 5 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Smarsh works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, Google Adsense, Facebook Exchange FBX, Tapad, Twitter Ads, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Yahoo Small Business, Pubmatic, IponWeb BidSwitch, Openads/OpenX, LinkedIn Ads, AdBlock Acceptable Ads, Google Adsense for Domains, Bizo, Beeswax, Google Remarketing, Microsoft Advertising, Facebook Custom Audiences, ListenLoop, AdRoll.