Empowering Experts
With the innovative software solutions from Soley GmbH manufacturing companies master the complexity of their product portfolios.
New analysis concepts and clear interactive visualizations make product complexity transparent at all organizational levels. The unique Engineering Intelligence technology digitizes expert knowledge and automates time-consuming procedures. At the push of a button feasible workflows _ from the consolidation of data through data analysis right up to the visualization of the results _ save time and money immediately. Soley achieves transparency and, in this way, helps its customers to raise up hidden treasures from their product portfolio.
The technology of Soley effortlessly brings together data, that is spread throughout the whole organization, from databases and tables, into an easily adaptable data model. Even comprehensive analysis results can be displayed informatively in interactive dashboards with organic or hierarchical graphs, a variety of diagrams, tables or matrices.
So, complexity management can be successfully implemented with a minimal input of time and money _ even with limited data quality. The solutions from Soley fit seamlessly into existing IT infrastructures and databases _ from a quick start on a laptop to a highly scalable enterprise solution.
The Munich-based software company concentrates on applications in the areas of mechanical and industrial engineering, the automotive sector, manufacturing industries, packaging industry, logistics, telecommunications and electronic and automation technology. Typical application scenarios are standardization, variant reduction, and value flow optimization in Supply Chain and After Sales.
Soley is a spin-off company from the Chair of Product Development at the Technical University of Munich, and cooperates closely with technology-, consulting- and research partners.
- Company Name:Soley
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Munich, Germany
10 - 50 employees
- 17336590 Global Rank
- 1832573 Germany

- United States 29.1%
- United Kingdom 7.2%
- India 7.2%
- Italy 3.6%
- Pakistan 3.3%
- Prince Frederick
- 0 SDKs

- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/soley-1/id1079388942
- App Support: http://www.soley.com.tr
- Genre: Shopping
- Bundle ID: com.ideasoft.soley
- App Size: 1.2 M
- Version: 1.1
- Release Date: February 29th, 2016
- Update Date: March 20th, 2016
Türkiye'nin gurur duyduğu köklü kuruluşları var, üretim gücünün tamamını bu ülkeden alan ve ürettiklerini bütün dünyaya pazarlayan SOLEY gibi.
Soley 1989 yılında, Kayseri'de 1951'den beri Anadolu'nun üretici güçlerinden biri olan Birlik Mensucat A. Ş. tarafından kuruldu. Gücünü köklerinden alarak Türkiye’nin aydınlık, insana ait değer ve standartlarıyla her geçen gün gelişti. Ve bugün; yatak, ev tekstili, havlu ve bornoz ürünleri ile gerçekleştirdiği ihracat kapasitesiyle Anadolu’nun ve Türkiye’nin önemli sanayi kuruluşları arasında yerini almaktadır.
Bir dünya markası yaratmak isteyen her kuruluş gibi evrensel standartlarda üretim ve hizmet sunan Soley, Türkiye’nin gelişen yüzünü en iyi temsil eden kuruluşlardan bir tanesidir.