SpectraSensors, Inc. is a leading global provider of laser-based on-line field analytical instrumentation for process control and monitoring applications. SpectraSensors was formed in 1999 as a technology spin-off of NASA-Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The CompanyÕs products are specifically designed to improve process efficiency, throughput, safety, for natural gas production, transport, storage, distribution, gas processing, refining, petrochemical, special
50 - 200
Houston, TX, United States

SpectraSensors, Inc. is a leading global provider of laser-based on-line field analytical instrumentation for process control and monitoring applications. SpectraSensors was formed in 1999 as a technology spin-off of NASA-Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The CompanyÕs products are specifically designed to improve process efficiency, throughput, safety, for natural gas production, transport, storage, distribution, gas processing, refining, petrochemical, specialty gas production and atmospheric monitoring for weather prediction.

Utilizing proprietary extractive tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) and other spectroscopic technologies, SpectraSensors delivers accurate and robust measurements with extremely fast response times, resulting in improved performance, reliability and availability at a significantly lower total cost to install and own compared to alternative solutions. The CompanyÕs gas analyzers measure Moisture (H2O), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Ammonia (NH3), Acetylene (C2H2), Oxygen (O2) and more. TDL technology is also used to measure atmospheric water vapor data for weather forecasting, helping the aviation industry improve safety, efficiency, reduce fuel use and cut emissions. Hundreds of aircrafts operating across the U.S. and Europe are equipped with the WVSS-II sensor to provide data supporting vital weather forecast operations at all National Meteorological Services.

The companyÕs headquarters is located in Houston, TX and serves as the lead Center-of-Competence (CoC) for gas analytical instrumentation solutions. While a regional CoC in Compiegne, France provides solutions to the European markets. The technology development and manufacturing takes place in Rancho Cucamonga, California. SpectraSensors, Inc. is part of the Endress+Hauser Company and has access to a strong global network of Endress+Hauser sales centers in addition to SpectraSensorsÕ well-established distributor and representative network.

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