Innocoll is dedicated to making better happen _ striving to engineer better medicines to transform todayÍs treatment approaches. Our proprietary, biocompatible, and biodegradable collagen-based products are engineered for targeted use. Applied locally, they are designed to provide a range of treatment benefits. Our late-stage product pipeline is focused on addressing the significant unmet medical need for postsurgical pain management. XARACOLL, a bupivacaine HCI collagen-matrix implant, has been studied in two Phase III clinical trials for postsurgical analgesia as a part of multi-modal therapy for patients undergoing hernia repair. Our currently approved products include: COLLAGUARD¬ (ex-US), COLLATAMP¬ G, SEPTOCOLL¬ E, REGENEPRO¬, COLLACARE¬, COLLEXA¬, and ZORPREVA¬, some of which are sold globally through strategic partnerships. All of our collagen products„from extraction/purification of Type 1 collagen through final delivery„ are manufactured at our certified, integrated plant in Saal, Germany.
50 - 200
Athlone, Ireland

Innocoll is dedicated to making better happen _ striving to engineer better medicines to transform todayÍs treatment approaches.

Our proprietary, biocompatible, and biodegradable collagen-based products are engineered for targeted use. Applied locally, they are designed to provide a range of treatment benefits.

Our late-stage product pipeline is focused on addressing the significant unmet medical need for postsurgical pain management. XARACOLL, a bupivacaine HCI collagen-matrix implant, has been studied in two Phase III clinical trials for postsurgical analgesia as a part of multi-modal therapy for patients undergoing hernia repair.

Our currently approved products include: COLLAGUARD¬ (ex-US), COLLATAMP¬ G, SEPTOCOLL¬ E, REGENEPRO¬, COLLACARE¬, COLLEXA¬, and ZORPREVA¬, some of which are sold globally through strategic partnerships. All of our collagen products„from extraction/purification of Type 1 collagen through final delivery„ are manufactured at our certified, integrated plant in Saal, Germany.

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