St Catherine's School
Established in 1896, St Catherine's has the unique mixture of a proud history combined with contemporary thinking. We are fortunate to be custodians of heritage buildings and long-standing traditions; however, our reputation as a leader in girls'_ education, for over a century, is based on our readiness to embrace innovation. We enjoy a reputation for excellent academic and sporting results, a supportive community, an outstanding co-curricular program, exceptional teachers, fine facilities and established alumni networks and yet we believe our greatest achievement is the quality of character which students of St Catherine's exhibit. As a non-denominational Christian school, our core philosophy is to nurture independent and thoughtful young women, with strong values, who are confident of their ability to lead and make a difference.
200 - 500
Toorak, Victoria, Australia

Established in 1896, St Catherine's has the unique mixture of a proud history combined with contemporary thinking.

We are fortunate to be custodians of heritage buildings and long-standing traditions; however, our reputation as a leader in girls'_ education, for over a century, is based on our readiness to embrace innovation.

We enjoy a reputation for excellent academic and sporting results, a supportive community, an outstanding co-curricular program, exceptional teachers, fine facilities and established alumni networks and yet we believe our greatest achievement is the quality of character which students of St Catherine's exhibit.

As a non-denominational Christian school, our core philosophy is to nurture independent and thoughtful young women, with strong values, who are confident of their ability to lead and make a difference.

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St Catherine's School
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