Sygnity S.a.
Sygnity is the leading supplier of IT solutions in Poland. Owing to a full understanding of the needs of our clients, deep professional knowledge, effective operating and a philosophy of partnership with the client, we are able to execute even the most advanced IT projects for both corporate clients and institutional ones. Sygnity possesses in-house solutions supported by technologies and products used world-wide. We offer a full range of services from consulting through realization, to outsourcing of IT projects for large and medium-sized enterprises in the most important sectors of the economy as well as institutions of public administrations. We undertake new challenges because we like creating innovative solutions. AREAS OF OUR EXPERTISE: - IT consulting, - software development, - implementing COTS software, and solutions of the biggest IT developers, - integration of services and processes, - software auditing and testing, - providing ICT infrastructures, - Servicing, - IT outsourcing.
Computer Software
500 - 1,000
Warszawa, Poland

Sygnity is the leading supplier of IT solutions in Poland.

Owing to a full understanding of the needs of our clients, deep professional knowledge, effective operating and a philosophy of partnership with the client, we are able to execute even the most advanced IT projects for both corporate clients and institutional ones. Sygnity possesses in-house solutions supported by technologies and products used world-wide.

We offer a full range of services from consulting through realization, to outsourcing of IT projects for large and medium-sized enterprises in the most important sectors of the economy as well as institutions of public administrations.

We undertake new challenges because we like creating innovative solutions.

- IT consulting,
- software development,
- implementing COTS software, and solutions of the biggest IT developers,
- integration of services and processes,
- software auditing and testing,
- providing ICT infrastructures,
- Servicing,
- IT outsourcing.

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They are headquartered at Warszawa, Poland, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Sygnity S.a. works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.