Tag Communication Services
Tag specializes in providing creative communication services to help you meet your marketing communication goals. From writing and editing to blogging and video production, we are a one-stop source to find the creative services you need. Whether itês a one-time quick assignment or a long-term project, Tag has full-time employees and a network of over 100 freelancers ready to deliver. With Tag, you can get out your marketing message while you keep your emplo
Marketing and Advertising
10 - 50
Philadelphia, PA, United States
Tag Communication Services

Tag specializes in providing creative communication services to help you meet your marketing communication goals.

From writing and editing to blogging and video production, we are a one-stop source to find the creative services you need. Whether itês a one-time quick assignment or a long-term project, Tag has full-time employees and a network of over 100 freelancers ready to deliver.

With Tag, you can get out your marketing message while you keep your employees focused on what makes your company run. Our goal is to give you results without the overhead _ to deliver customized, cost-effective services with maximum flexibility for your organization.

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| JinkeyTag
  • 0 SDKs
  • 0 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/tag-communication-services-1/id554223345
  • App Support: https://www.jinkey.com/?pid=ios_support
  • Genre: Productivity
  • Bundle ID: com.tagcom.JinkeyTag
  • App Size: 4.75 M
  • Version: 1.2
  • Release Date: September 18th, 2012
  • Update Date: October 8th, 2013


The first dynamically encrypted QR Code reader and generator ever!

With this application you can create a QR code that not only contains clear text, but also a part that the reader can read only if he or she respects the rules that YOU have decided to set. You can decide to allow a particular user only to open it, or you can add a read time count, a password, a start end point in time, a location where the message can or cannot be read, and an ever growing list of other access rules!

=== What is a Jinkey Tag? ===

It's the 'evolution' of a QR code. It can hold more information and add some read restrictions.
How to read a Jinkey Tag?
You can read a Jinkey Tag as a normal QR code:
Open JinkeyTag
Select the Scan option
Center QR code in your camera's viewfinder.
Scanned information will be directly shown.
... or just open the image from another application as a "Jinkey Tag".

=== How to create a Jinkey Tag ===
Open JinkeyTag
Select the "Create" option
Enter the rules that are enforced and push the Generate button.

=== Features ===
QR Scanner:

allows you to read Jinkey Tag using your smartphone's camera. Just select 'Scan' and point it to a JinkeyTag.
Scanned Jinkey Tag can be stored in your phone if you decide to keep it, so it's not necessary to have the Tag available when you need its content.
NB: normal QR Codes can also be decoded with JinkeyTag

=== Qr Decoder: ===

if you have a Jinkey Tag saved in your device as an image, JinkeyTag can decode it too

=== QR Generator: ===

JinkeyTag allows you to create Jink QR Codes with some nice restrictions:

* password protected
* readable only for a particular Jink user
* readable in a particular place
* readable in a particular range of time
* readable only few times

and that's not all. You can create also a Jinkey Tag that must be activated with another one, or that can be voided.

They are headquartered at Philadelphia, PA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Tag Communication Services works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Open AdStream.