Takshila Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Takshila Learning is working towards creating a Google of Structured learning" with courses spanning from academics, skills and lifestyle segment from the best of the faculties around the globe. While the number of courses are ever growing we are presently offering 3D animated classes and Recorded tutorial lectures for class 1st to class 12th, competitive exams like banking services and IBPS, Professional courses for Chartered Accountant (CA), Company Secret
Education Management
10 - 50
Delhi, Delhi, India

Takshila Learning is working towards creating a Google of Structured learning" with courses spanning from academics, skills and lifestyle segment from the best of the faculties around the globe. While the number of courses are ever growing we are presently offering 3D animated classes and Recorded tutorial lectures for class 1st to class 12th, competitive exams like banking services and IBPS, Professional courses for Chartered Accountant (CA), Company Secretary (CS), CMA, Skill courses like Internet Marketing & Excel/ Microsoft technologies in online and offline mode(Pen-drive, Tablets, Smart Phones, memory cards). It helps the student to study from the comfort of their home, anytime, anywhere, on any device and save their travel time & money they spend to live in other cities, hostel or PG.

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Takshila Learning
  • 10 SDKs
  • 3.36 Avg. Rating
  • 6 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app_takshila.layout
  • App Support: http://takshilalearning.com/
  • Genre: education
  • Bundle ID: com.app_takshila.layout
  • App Size: 3.28 M
  • Version: 399
  • Release Date: September 14th, 2012
  • Update Date: September 14th, 2012


We are living in knowledge economy and knowledge transfer therefore is going to be critical success factor for both corporates and professionals. We have been running programmes on courses like USA CPA, USA CFA, IFRS, XBRL, Financial Management and Financial Reporting for CS, CWA, CA. We are now embarking on extensive web-based training initiatives for increasing the reach of our training programmes on to smaller cities and towns thus increasing the employability across domains.
With increased penetration of broadband into common man’s life and with this huge thrust on the education sector in India and globally, we are well-positioned for a huge growth trajectory in the next 3-5 years of time span.
At Takshila, we hope to be pioneers in our own way quite like what Takshila did many centuries ago. With unique learning content delivery model for unique set of courses and subjects, we have created a niche for ourselves.

App Features:
- Course Details
- Course Details
- Apply for a course
- Our Blog
- Reach us / Refer us
- And Tons of information...

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They are headquartered at Delhi, Delhi, India, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Takshila Learning Pvt. Ltd. works with Advertising technology companies such as Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick.Net, Google Remarketing, DoubleClick Bid Manager.