TechSoup is an international network of 64 NGOs serving over 236 countries and territories. Technology Solutions and Support. We provide eligible organizations with discounted software, hardware, services, and training. Validation Services. We verify whether an organization is a legitimate NGO, nonprofit, or charity in its home country for civil society organizations, companies, grantmakers, governments and other organizations. Community and Connections. We foster many types of peer learning opportunities to enable people to work together. Education. We connect you to the new solutions and practical ideas you need to achieve your mission. Ongoing Innovation. We continue to build new ways to equip changemakers with transformative technology solutions.
Nonprofit Organization Managemen
200 - 500
San Francisco, CA, United States

TechSoup is an international network of 64 NGOs serving over 236 countries and territories.

Technology Solutions and Support. We provide eligible organizations with discounted software, hardware, services, and training.

Validation Services. We verify whether an organization is a legitimate NGO, nonprofit, or charity in its home country for civil society organizations, companies, grantmakers, governments and other organizations.

Community and Connections. We foster many types of peer learning opportunities to enable people to work together.

Education. We connect you to the new solutions and practical ideas you need to achieve your mission.
Ongoing Innovation. We continue to build new ways to equip changemakers with transformative technology solutions.

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  • 765417 Global Rank
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  • 66.3 K Estimated Visits
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Global Rank 334,483
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India Page Views 11.5%
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Top Search Keywords
  • Recruitment and Staffing
  • Staffing Services
They are headquartered at San Francisco, CA, United States, and have 5 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Techsoup works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Remarketing.