Tencue Productions
Tencue Productions, Inc. is a full service event production and consulting company focused on live interactions between individuals and groups. We understand how people communicate across media and platforms, whatever the message or location. With roots in performing arts and social sciences plus twenty years of experience in live corporate events, Tencue brings a unique perspective to every project.æ Working with a network of designers, technicians, and managers, our production team develops an event that excites the audience while promoting the proper message and image.æ Drawing from our background in both the arts and technical production, we explore new approaches to typical events. TencueÍs technical and design innovations have been noted throughout the industry, including winning awards and recognition for our design excellence year over year from Event Design Magazine, InfoComm, and LiveDesign, among others. Perhaps the best recommendation is that we are consistently brought back year after year by our clients. æ Our Project Team is comprised of the best in the business. Collectively, hundreds of years of experience inform our staff and key freelancers at all levels. Our scalable model allows us to ensure a custom fit for every event.æ For projects of every size and budget we deliver creativity, precisely executed.
Events Services
10 - 50
Berkeley, CA, United States

Tencue Productions, Inc. is a full service event production and consulting company focused on live interactions between individuals and groups. We understand how people communicate across media and platforms, whatever the message or location. With roots in performing arts and social sciences plus twenty years of experience in live corporate events, Tencue brings a unique perspective to every project.æ Working with a network of designers, technicians, and managers, our production team develops an event that excites the audience while promoting the proper message and image.æ

Drawing from our background in both the arts and technical production, we explore new approaches to typical events. TencueÍs technical and design innovations have been noted throughout the industry, including winning awards and recognition for our design excellence year over year from Event Design Magazine, InfoComm, and LiveDesign, among others. Perhaps the best recommendation is that we are consistently brought back year after year by our clients. æ

Our Project Team is comprised of the best in the business. Collectively, hundreds of years of experience inform our staff and key freelancers at all levels. Our scalable model allows us to ensure a custom fit for every event.æ For projects of every size and budget we deliver creativity, precisely executed.

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They are headquartered at Berkeley, CA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Tencue Productions works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.