With over 30 years of experience, specifically since 1979, the Technical Projects Company, TEPCO, has manufactured and supplied the Egyptian and neighboring countries' markets with products and solutions for electrical energy transmission and distribution. The full range of products and services that TEPCO offers are manufactured considering nothing but the best quality, earning clientsÍ trust and satisfaction. This lead TEPCO to not only become a specialist in providing the market with what they need, but also a reliable source to do so. TEPCO seeks the best interest of its customers and their needs by providing them with complete products and solutions starting at Medium Voltage to Low Voltage, and automation for industry, buildings and houses, as well as SCADA and energy efficiency systems. TEPCO promptly reacts to customersÍ comments or concerns. In addition to training them about our know-how to be able to apply the latest technology and highest standards conforming to their application to use such products.
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

With over 30 years of experience, specifically since 1979, the Technical Projects Company, TEPCO, has manufactured and supplied the Egyptian and neighboring countries' markets with products and solutions for electrical energy transmission and distribution. The full range of products and services that TEPCO offers are manufactured considering nothing but the best quality, earning clientsÍ trust and satisfaction. This lead TEPCO to not only become a specialist in providing the market with what they need, but also a reliable source to do so.

TEPCO seeks the best interest of its customers and their needs by providing them with complete products and solutions starting at Medium Voltage to Low Voltage, and automation for industry, buildings and houses, as well as SCADA and energy efficiency systems. TEPCO promptly reacts to customersÍ comments or concerns. In addition to training them about our know-how to be able to apply the latest technology and highest standards conforming to their application to use such products.

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