Terveystalo on yksi Suomen johtavista yksityisistŠ terveyspalveluiden tarjoajista. Yhtiš tarjoaa yleislŠŠketieteen, tyšterveyden ja erikoissairaanhoidon palveluja, diagnostiikkapalveluja, pŠivŠkirurgiaa, suunterveyden palveluja ja muita tŠydentŠviŠ terveyspalveluja yritys- ja yksityisasiakkaille sekŠ julkisen sektorin asiakkaille. Valtakunnalliseen verkostoon kuuluu noin 180 toimipaikkaa ja lisŠksi Terveystalo tarjoaa digitaalisia terveydenhuollon palveluita. Vuonna 2016 Terveystalossa asioi noin miljoona yksittŠistŠ asiakasta ja lŠŠkŠrikŠyntejŠ oli noin 2,7 miljoonaa, mikŠ vastasi 12 prosenttia kaikista Suomen lŠŠkŠrikŠynneistŠ. Terveystalossa tyšskentelee lŠhes 9 000 terveydenhuollon ammattilaista, joista noin puolet on tyšsuhteisia ja puolet yksityisiŠ ammatinharjoittajia. Terveystalo on Suomalaisen tyšn liiton jŠsen. www.terveystalo.com
Terveystalo is a leading private healthcare service provider in Finland offering primary and outpatient secondary healthcare services to corporate, private and public sector customers. The Company's healthcare service offering includes general practice and specialist medical care, diagnostic services, outpatient surgery, dental services and other adjacent services, which comprise its integrated healthcare care chain. Terveystalo is able to provide nationwide reach through its approximately 180 clinics, in addition the company offers a suite of digital healthcare services with its digital platforms. In 2016, the company had approximately 1.0 million individual customers as well as approximately 2.7 million doctor visits, accounting for 12 percent of the total doctor visits in Finland. Terveystalo has approximately 9 000 employees, of which 4,445 employees (including part-time employees) and approximately 4,400 private practitioners. www.terveystalo.com
- Company Name:Terveystalo
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Helsinki, Finland
Hospital & Health Care
5,000 - 10,000 employees
- 42435 Global Rank
- 186 Finland
- 1.12 M Estimated Visits

- United States 78.1%
- India 21.2%
- Consumer Goods and Services
- Beauty
- Cosmetics
- 10 SDKs
- 4.39 Avg. Rating
- 28 Total reviews

- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/terveystalo/id438441318
- App Support: http://www.terveystalo.com
- Genre: Health & Fitness
- Bundle ID: com.terveystalo.com.terveystalo.ajanvaraus
- App Size: 59 M
- Version: 3.3.2
- Release Date: May 24th, 2011
- Update Date: May 3rd, 2021
Welcome to use Terveystalo app!
Our remote services are available 24/7 and the average waiting time is seven seconds. You may talk to a specialist on a video appointment or a chat.
The application is handy for making appointments
You can make an appointment with a specialist you have met before, or browse free appointments for the service or clinic you want.
Access your health information anytime anywhere
The application provides you with quick access to your health information. Read specialists’ entries and check your lab results, prescriptions, or vaccinations.
Quick and safe login
Use your bank information or mobile ID when you log in for the first time to ensure safe use of the application. After your first login, you can use a PIN code or biometric identification to log in quickly.
Pay for your appointment easily
You can pay for your remote appointment or an appointment you had at a Terveystalo clinic. Payment can be made easily by paying the invoice you receive in the application after your visit. You can pay the invoice in your online bank, using a payment card or with mobile payment. You have 3 days to pay the invoice.
My Plan – your personal health plan
The personal plan includes goals that support your health. It is easy to record your own measurement results and self-evaluations in the plan. It also includes your personal physiotherapy programs with videos.
We are always improving your user experience and will gradually add new features to the application. We value your opinion – give us feedback on the application and participate in its development.

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They are headquartered at Helsinki, Finland, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Terveystalo works with Advertising technology companies such as Natify, Adform, Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick.Net, Google Remarketing, DoubleClick Bid Manager.