Tes Engineering
T/E/S Engineering is a Cleveland-based Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) engineering firm engaging over 50 professionals whose sole focus is to solve clientÕs problems. Engineering is about more than just calculations and numbers. Quality engineering is about relationships and the people who make them exceptional. We go where you go. A successful business grows where it's markets lead, and T/E/S understands that. We are committed to being certified in 49 states, so can go where ever our partnership leads. T/E/S offers a full range of services including due diligence, forensic and conditions assessment and investigation, all aspects of design, operational troubleshooting, equipment replacement and system renovations, energy audits and peer reviews. All of this puts us in a position to help your business grow. T/E/S is different from your average engineering firm. Our guiding principles embody the unique T/E/S culture and philosophy. These guidelines are core beliefs that instill all the work we do with smart thinking, genuine collaboration, highest achievement and technical growth. Together, they ensure we give our client the dependable guidance they expect. It's about you and the success of your project. The biggest difference is that we think like an owner."_ Thinking like an owner means that we look at things from the perspective efficiency, value, and intelligence. We donÕt offer cookie-cutter solutions; we create an organic system of services that fit what the project needs. T/E/S works with your processes and goals in a way that truly makes us partners.
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
10 - 50
Cleveland, OH, United States

T/E/S Engineering is a Cleveland-based Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) engineering firm engaging over 50 professionals whose sole focus is to solve clientÕs problems. Engineering is about more than just calculations and numbers. Quality engineering is about relationships and the people who make them exceptional.

We go where you go. A successful business grows where it's markets lead, and T/E/S understands that. We are committed to being certified in 49 states, so can go where ever our partnership leads.

T/E/S offers a full range of services including due diligence, forensic and conditions assessment and investigation, all aspects of design, operational troubleshooting, equipment replacement and system renovations, energy audits and peer reviews. All of this puts us in a position to help your business grow.

T/E/S is different from your average engineering firm. Our guiding principles embody the unique T/E/S culture and philosophy. These guidelines are core beliefs that instill all the work we do with smart thinking, genuine collaboration, highest achievement and technical growth. Together, they ensure we give our client the dependable guidance they expect. It's about you and the success of your project.

The biggest difference is that we think like an owner."_ Thinking like an owner means that we look at things from the perspective efficiency, value, and intelligence. We donÕt offer cookie-cutter solutions; we create an organic system of services that fit what the project needs. T/E/S works with your processes and goals in a way that truly makes us partners.

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They are headquartered at Cleveland, OH, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.