The Advocates' Society
The AdvocatesÍ Society is a not-for-profit association of over 5,400 judges, lawyers and advocates from all practice areas, and CanadaÍs premier advocacy skills training provider. The Society's mission statement reflects five principal objectives that define our role and drive our activities. 1. Be the voice of advocates in Canada 2. Promote ethical and professional practice standards for advocates 3. Expand our leadership role in teaching the skills of advocacy 4. Protect the independence of the bar and the judiciary 5. Foster collegiality amongst members Join us and realize your own professional potential. Our strength is your strength.
Legal Services
10 - 50
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The AdvocatesÍ Society is a not-for-profit association of over 5,400 judges, lawyers and advocates from all practice areas, and CanadaÍs premier advocacy skills training provider.

The Society's mission statement reflects five principal objectives that define our role and drive our activities.

1. Be the voice of advocates in Canada

2. Promote ethical and professional practice standards for advocates

3. Expand our leadership role in teaching the skills of advocacy

4. Protect the independence of the bar and the judiciary

5. Foster collegiality amongst members

Join us and realize your own professional potential. Our strength is your strength.

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