The Marketing Academy identifies and develops exceptional British talent in the field of Marketing & Advertising and is a forum for marketing experts, business leaders and coaches to inspire, develop and mentor an entire generation of leaders. All programmes delivered by the Marketing Academy are highly selective and completely free of charge.
1. The Scholarship - Now in its 6th year. Sponsored by ITV, Lloyds Banking Group, Mondelez, Adobe, British Gas, Microsoft & Marketing Week and supported by Google, The Living Leader, Millward Brown, eatbigfish, PHD, DMA & Brand Learning. We award 30 FREE Scholarships each year to the best emerging leaders. Over 80 Mentors from the worlds of Marketing, Advertising and Business along with 30 Coaches donate their time to mentor the Scholars. The Scholars gain invaluable input from every element of the marketing industry including mentoring, faculties run by industry experts, personal coaching, leadership development and more.
APPLICATIONS OPEN in December 2015 -
2. The Fellowship: Sponsored by ISBA, Adobe and British Airways, developed in partnership with McKinsey & Company the programme is exclusively for CMO's and Marketing Directors. This board level mentoring and knowledge programme ensures that marketing leaders build the right capabilities to take on CEO or Board roles.
3. Merlins Apprentice: A 12 month fully paid Marketing Apprenticeship Scheme developed in partnership with The Princes Trust is for 18 - 24 year old 'NEETS' who due to a lack of qualifications, challenging backgrounds or poor life choices, would normally be overlooked for this kind of work experience. The Apprenticeship provides on-the-job learning, training and qualifications and the 1st step to a career within Marketing & Advertising.
The Marketing Academy is run by the Marketing Hall of Legends (UK) a registered not for profit
- Company Name:The Marketing Academy
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Newbury, West Berkshire, United Kingdom
Education Management
50 - 200 employees