Third Way
Third Way is a think tank answering America's challenges with modern ideas aimed at the center. Third WayÕs work has had a significant impact the nationÕs policy and political debates, which are often defined by the rigid or outdated orthodoxies of both the left and right. We offer policy and political solutions that discard the false choices presented by both sides. We foster the most effective and emergent approaches to major problems Ð ones that can attract the p
50 - 200
Washington, DC, United States

Third Way is a think tank answering America's challenges with modern ideas aimed at the center. Third WayÕs work has had a significant impact the nationÕs policy and political debates, which are often defined by the rigid or outdated orthodoxies of both the left and right. We offer policy and political solutions that discard the false choices presented by both sides. We foster the most effective and emergent approaches to major problems Ð ones that can attract the plurality of citizens who represent the political center and whose support is critical to winning the war of ideas.

Winner of the 2013 North American Think Tank of the Year by Prospect Magazine, BritainÕs leading monthly current affairs magazine, for its Ôoriginal, influential, and rigorous work on the most pressing challenges facing people, governments, and businesses.Õ Third WayÕs impact on the debate has prompted Reuters to opine: Third Way is the future of think tanks"_ and The New York Times to note that the organization Òhas become a constant presence in Washington.Ó POLITICOÕs Mike Allen wrote that Third Way is Òthe moderate voice of the progressive movement.Ó And Greg Easterbrook of The Atlantic observed that Third Way Òis rapidly emerging as WashingtonÕs most important beyond-ideology think tank.Ó

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| Mouse Invasion
  • 6 SDKs
  • 2.74 Avg. Rating
  • 9 Total reviews
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  • Genre: Games
  • Bundle ID: com.thirdwaystudio.duckhuntseasonfree
  • App Size: 87.2 M
  • Version: 1.3
  • Release Date: December 3rd, 2011
  • Update Date: July 16th, 2014


Oyé Oyé, sonnez le clairon, la saison de la chasse à commencé... Découvrez ou redecouvrez un des plus vieux classiques du jeu video en shootant ces maudits canards.
Ou deffoulez vous dans le mode Arcade, juste histoire de faire un ptit carnage...

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Reviews (Newest First)

Love .com

Jan 23, 2016


I hate this app it doesn't let you reload you bulets


Aug 28, 2014

Duck Hunt

Amazing,Awesome it's Very Fun To Play With So Far....Quack, hilarious game.........I like it a lot just like the one with Nintendo is funny,laugh with the dog when I miss a shot


Jun 06, 2014

Duck hunt

Hilarious!!! Quack! Quack!!


Dec 01, 2013


No level after the first and it's just plain boaring.

Slow day 1

Aug 26, 2013

Work out the kinks

Game would be fun if it would continue after round 10 but after shooting 10 birds you don't get anymore ammo and the game does not load the next round of birds. Target range option was not available either which was advertised in the description of the game.


Jul 03, 2013


I like it
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Third Way
Third Way receives up to 0.05M pageviews per day, in countries such as United States.

They are headquartered at Washington, DC, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Third Way works with Advertising technology companies such as Chango, Turn, Resonate Insights, Dstillery, AppNexus, DoubleClick.Net, Twitter Ads.