TIMWE Group (www.timwe.com) is a global provider of mobile engagement solutions. We ensure that mobile operators, governments and many other mobile-driven businesses increase revenue and reach, while reducing their operational costs, by delivering compelling end to end services and bespoke solutions on the cloud and on premise. At the moment we are catering our clients through three business brands distributed globally: DIGIWE Ð Digital Mobile Solutions TECHWE Ð Technology Solutions GOVWE Ð Government Solutions With over 10 years of international experience and our proprietary, multipurpose mobile engagement platforms, we design, develop and deliver turnkey projects for our customers across all 5 continents. TIMWE Group operates in 80 countries through 30 offices. Outside of our core Latin American and Middle Eastern markets, we are rapidly consolidating our position across Africa, Eastern Europe and the Asian regions.
Lisboa, Portugal

TIMWE Group (www.timwe.com) is a global provider of mobile engagement solutions.
We ensure that mobile operators, governments and many other mobile-driven businesses increase revenue and reach, while reducing their operational costs, by delivering compelling end to end services and bespoke solutions on the cloud and on premise.

At the moment we are catering our clients through three business brands distributed globally:

DIGIWE Ð Digital Mobile Solutions
TECHWE Ð Technology Solutions
GOVWE Ð Government Solutions

With over 10 years of international experience and our proprietary, multipurpose mobile engagement platforms, we design, develop and deliver turnkey projects for our customers across all 5 continents.

TIMWE Group operates in 80 countries through 30 offices. Outside of our core Latin American and Middle Eastern markets, we are rapidly consolidating our position across Africa, Eastern Europe and the Asian regions.

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  • Baker College
They are headquartered at Lisboa, Portugal, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.