TrustedPeer is a platform that businesses use to capture, transfer and share knowledge from the right experts. TrustedPeer brings efficiency, transparency and accountability to Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer by enabling corporations and executives to effectively confer with internal and external experts - on-demand and online. With the TrustedPeer Knowledge ManagementÈ platform, corporations have incrementally on-demand access to
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TrustedPeer is a platform that businesses use to capture, transfer and share knowledge from the right experts.

TrustedPeer brings efficiency, transparency and accountability to Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer by enabling corporations and executives to effectively confer with internal and external experts - on-demand and online.

With the TrustedPeer Knowledge ManagementÈ platform, corporations have incrementally on-demand access to the expertise they need, when itês needed, and at the amount needed.

TrustedPeer is structured to recommend experts and expertise that customers need _ before they encounter a costly problem _ by changing the expertise acquisition value proposition from reactive to preventive.

Quick and easy access to highly-qualified and rigorously-vetted, world-class TrustedPeer Experts ensures immediate attention to your critical business challenges.

TrusteedPeer Experts are all presidents, principals or partners of independent firms, each with an average of 27 years total in consulting, industry, government and academia.

TrustedPeer has also developed the world's largest searchable business content library of continuously updated Common Problems and Best Practices categorized by industry, operational area and business topic.

Here's what the Global Chief Knowledge Officer at KPMG Consulting said about TrustedPeer, I think it's more than a Knowledge Management platform. What you've laid out here is fantastic. I love the platform, the way the portal appears and looks. You're showing a very powerful way customers can actually get to what they want via multiple paths. It looks really enticing."

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