Tucows (NASDAQ:TCX, TSX:TC) is a provider of network access, domain names and other Internet services. Since 1994, the business has pivoted and grown from shareware to wholesale domain name registration to retail domain name registration to mobile phone service to symmetrical Gigabit Internet service via fiber-to-the-premises. Today, Tucows employs over 400 people and services millions of customers around the world. Ting Mobile disrupted the US cellp
500 - 1,000
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tucows (NASDAQ:TCX, TSX:TC) is a provider of network access, domain names and other Internet services. Since 1994, the business has pivoted and grown from shareware to wholesale domain name registration to retail domain name registration to mobile phone service to symmetrical Gigabit Internet service via fiber-to-the-premises. Today, Tucows employs over 400 people and services millions of customers around the world.

Ting Mobile disrupted the US cellphone industry in 2012, offering shockingly fair pricing, usable interfaces and no-hold, no-transfer live customer support. About six months after launch, GigaOM included us, along with Apple, Samsung, FitBit and Waze, in The Mobile 15 as one of fifteen companies ñƒthat are changing or could potentially change the mobile landscape.î In 2015 and 2016, we beat Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and every other provider in the annual Consumer Reports survey of US cell phone services. In just over four years, we operate on two nationwide networks, have over 200,000 active devices and generate over 50 million dollars in annual revenue.

Ting Internet launched in the US in 2015. In December 2015, Gizmodo listed us as one of The 6 Best Things That Happened to the Internet This Year. We are investing millions in fiber networks and partnering with small towns to change what people expect from their Internet service and their Internet service provider. We have already launched Gigabit speed Internet service in Charlottesville, Virginia, Westminster, Maryland and Holly Springs, North Carolina and we just announced that we will be coming to Centennial, Colorado.

OpenSRS was the first wholesale domain name registrar when it launched in 1999 and is now the largest in the world, managing nearly 15 million domain names and millions of value-added services through a global reseller network of over 13,000 web hosts and ISPs across six continents.

Hover makes it easy for individuals and small businesses to manage their domain names and email addresses. Our easy-to-use management tools and extraordinary customer support earned us top mention in LifehackerÍs Five Best Domain Name Registrars and, more importantly, regularly delights over 250,000 customers.

More information can be found on Tucows'_ corporate website (tucows.com).

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They are headquartered at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Tucows works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, ClickBank, PHP Ads, Openads/OpenX, Link Share, Commission Junction, Google Remarketing, DoubleClick Bid Manager, LinkedIn Ads.