Tv Shop Philippines
TV Shop Philippines travels the globe in search of the worldÍs most amazing, innovative, and effective products that fit and improve our shopperÍs lives. We continuously work with suppliers to refresh our diverse product portfolio, and offer the best quality deals in the market. Founded by Philippine DRTV veterans with decades of experience, strong entrepreneurial spirit, and long-standing relationships in all aspects of commerce, the company is built on transparency
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Tv Shop Philippines

TV Shop Philippines travels the globe in search of the worldÍs most amazing, innovative, and effective products that fit and improve our shopperÍs lives. We continuously work with suppliers to refresh our diverse product portfolio, and offer the best quality deals in the market.

Founded by Philippine DRTV veterans with decades of experience, strong entrepreneurial spirit, and long-standing relationships in all aspects of commerce, the company is built on transparency, energy and the passion to look for the right products and ensuring they are in the customerÍs hands as quickly as possible.

With over 150 hours a day of airtime, a strong social media presence, an award-winning in-house creative team, hundreds of highly motivated product representatives, and an efficient nationwide delivery system, TV Shop Philippines is truly the #1 DRTV company in the Philippines.

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Global Rank 375,030
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Philippines Page Views 57.2%
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They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Tv Shop Philippines works with Advertising technology companies such as Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick.Net.