uCoz is a modern SaaS website builder that will be celebrating its 10th birthday in 2015.
Throughout its existence the service won a number of prestigious Internet awards, became an absolute leader in its niche in Russia and Eastern Europe, and currently hosts over 1 million active websites.
uCoz offers 23 modules that let you create fully-fledged websites with the integrated social sign-up feature. With uCoz you can easily create a blog or a personal homepage, as well as an online store, a forum, or a website with a large community.
uCoz is now available in 16 languages and is experiencing its business expansion stage.
- Company Name:Ucoz
(View Trends)
- 41366 Global Rank
- 16881 Russia
- 1.65 M Estimated Visits

- Russia 27.6%
- Netherlands 10.8%
- Germany 6.6%
- Ukraine 5.1%
- China 4.8%
- Auto Racing
- Tracks
- 60 SDKs
- 3.93 Avg. Rating
- 51 Total reviews

- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/ucoz/id656664091
- App Support: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Future-Now/709377655740099
- Genre: Games
- Bundle ID: ru.ee.BrainTrainerL
- App Size: 14.5 M
- Version: 1.8
- Release Date: July 10th, 2013
- Update Date: December 8th, 2014
This game featured by Apple in 153 countries.
Game video: http://youtu.be/ISIe4E1cVw0
This Game are traditionally known in the form of toys. This version of the game fulfills the same objective; to challenge an in a way measure our memory retention capacity by generating a growing sequence of events, in this case colors and sounds, that the player has to repeat. How many sequential events can you remember ? - Game will tell you.
- Once the game is loaded click on play, be alert and observe what color lights up... click on it (1).
- The game continues by lighting up the clicked color and an additional one (2). Now you have to click on both colors in the same order (1)-(2).
- Game continues adding and/or repeating new colors (and sounds) that you must memorize and repeat in the same order, until your memory allows it - and / or until you make a mistake :-(
- The SCORE counts the amount of colors (or sounds) that you have memorized.
Широко известная в узких кругах на другом конце земного шара игра под названием Симона позволит Вам тренировать свою зрительную, цветовую и слуховую память в самых неожиданных местах вместо традиционного чтения bash.org и рассматривания ... . Игра исключительно проста и подходит для детей любого возраста. Вам необходим запомнить последовательность нажатия цветных кнопок и повторить их за телефоном. В начале игры телефон покажет 1 нажатую цветную кнопку. Затем нажмите ее. Потом две. Жмите обе по очереди. Потом будет увеличивать число нажатий кнопок на 1 каждую игру, и Вы будете повторять последовательность нажатий до максимума своих возможностей :) Записывать "на бумажке" нельзя :)
Я обламываюсь на 14-15-ти :)
Удачи в тренировках памяти, и хорошего настроения!
Не забывайте иногда жамкать на рекламу. Спасибо.

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Simon says it doesn't work
Adam Polcyn 51
Good but
Doesn't play

They have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Ucoz works with Advertising technology companies such as Yadro BannerHost.
So mad