University For The Creative Arts
UCA is a specialist art and design university spread across four campuses in the South-East of England, in Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham and Rochester, as well as offering degree courses at Maidstone TV Studios. Oscar-winning filmmakers, world-renowned fashion designers, television presenters, celebrity jewellers and Turner Prize nominees are just some of the high-profile graduates from UCA and its founding colleges over the past 150 years. As a specialist university, UCA has created a unique community for our 7,000 students, where like-minded people can share in the creative process and inspire one another. The University for the Creative Arts is one of Europe's leading art & design institutions, offering a range of courses from Foundation Diplomas to PhDs in specialist creative arts subjects. For more information about us, visit
1,000 - 5,000
Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom

UCA is a specialist art and design university spread across four campuses in the South-East of England, in Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham and Rochester, as well as offering degree courses at Maidstone TV Studios.

Oscar-winning filmmakers, world-renowned fashion designers, television presenters, celebrity jewellers and Turner Prize nominees are just some of the high-profile graduates from UCA and its founding colleges over the past 150 years.

As a specialist university, UCA has created a unique community for our 7,000 students, where like-minded people can share in the creative process and inspire one another.

The University for the Creative Arts is one of Europe's leading art & design institutions, offering a range of courses from Foundation Diplomas to PhDs in specialist creative arts subjects.

For more information about us, visit

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University For The Creative Arts
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