University Of California, Santa Cruz
UC Santa Cruz was founded in 1965 as the movement away from the conservative '50s was in full swing and America was experiencing a transformation. The founding faculty, administrators, and students embraced and embodied this change. They were open and revolutionary in their thinkingÑmore than mere radicals, they dared to imagine a living and learning environment that would foster a community whose passion came from a deep sense of social justice. And it shows. UC Santa CruzÕs many accomplishments include: ¥ The first to map the human genome and make it publicly availableÑfor free, forever ¥ Key contributors to the discovery of the Higgs Boson ¥ The birthplace of organic farming ¥ The center of the Dickens Universe ¥ A graduate gaming program that is one of the top 10 in the country ¥ Ranked second in the world for its research impact This university is not to be underestimated. The campus's unique character is reflected in its students'_ bold choice to elect the fabled Banana Slug as its mascotÑwith their determined bearing and bright personality, it's hard to ignore Banana Slugs wherever they may roam. And Banana Slug alumni are everywhereÑa network 100,000-plus-strong, comprised of respected scientists, journalists, social activists, political and business leaders, artists, teachers, entrepreneurs, change-makers, and much more. Banana Slugs are changing the world.
1,000 - 5,000
Santa Cruz, CA, United States

UC Santa Cruz was founded in 1965 as the movement away from the conservative '50s was in full swing and America was experiencing a transformation. The founding faculty, administrators, and students embraced and embodied this change. They were open and revolutionary in their thinkingÑmore than mere radicals, they dared to imagine a living and learning environment that would foster a community whose passion came from a deep sense of social justice.

And it shows.

UC Santa CruzÕs many accomplishments include:
¥ The first to map the human genome and make it publicly availableÑfor free, forever
¥ Key contributors to the discovery of the Higgs Boson
¥ The birthplace of organic farming
¥ The center of the Dickens Universe
¥ A graduate gaming program that is one of the top 10 in the country
¥ Ranked second in the world for its research impact

This university is not to be underestimated.

The campus's unique character is reflected in its students'_ bold choice to elect the fabled Banana Slug as its mascotÑwith their determined bearing and bright personality, it's hard to ignore Banana Slugs wherever they may roam.

And Banana Slug alumni are everywhereÑa network 100,000-plus-strong, comprised of respected scientists, journalists, social activists, political and business leaders, artists, teachers, entrepreneurs, change-makers, and much more. Banana Slugs are changing the world.

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University Of California, Santa Cruz
University Of California, Santa Cruz receives up to 1.5M pageviews per day, in countries such as India, Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Philippines, Pakistan, United States, Iran, Nigeria, Algeria, Canada.

They are headquartered at Santa Cruz, CA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.