Uno Transport A/s
Uno Transport was founded by Kim Uno Mogensen in 1999 and specialized in transports to and from the Baltic countries, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine. We still specialize in this area, and today we use mainly our own trucks and trailers. We have our own offices in Mazeikiai and Klaipeda (Lithuania), Riga (Latvia), Kiev (Ukraine) and Moscow (Russia), which work together with our office in Aarhus in coordinating transports to and from the local markets in
10 - 50
Viby J, Denmark
Uno Transport A/s

Uno Transport was founded by Kim Uno Mogensen in 1999 and specialized in transports to and from the Baltic countries, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine.

We still specialize in this area, and today we use mainly our own trucks and trailers.

We have our own offices in Mazeikiai and Klaipeda (Lithuania), Riga (Latvia), Kiev (Ukraine) and Moscow (Russia), which work together with our office in Aarhus in coordinating transports to and from the local markets in Eastern Europe.

Since our start in 1999 we have expanded our service areas to include worldwide project transports. This could be overdimensioned cargo, heavy lift cargo or complete relocations of factories.

Furthermore, we are ñhouse forwarderî to a number of Danish manufacturers and take care of all their imports and exports, no matter whether it is a full or a part load, sent by road, air or sea _ anywhere around the world.

Today we are 14 employees in Aarhus and 36 in Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine.

We aim to offer the best service, and we work closely with our customers to find the right solution, not only regarding transports, but also packaging, lashing, warehousing and insurance agreements.

Consequently, we have had the pleasure of doing business with many of our customers since the very start.

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They are headquartered at Viby J, Denmark, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Uno Transport A/s works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.