URENCO supplies enriched uranium for nuclear power generation using our world-leading centrifuge technology.
URENCO has four uranium enrichment facilities operating in the United States of America, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. With annual revenues of over ó1 billion, we employ 1,400 people and supply more than 50 customers in 17 countries, meeting regulatory requirements for health, safety and environmental practices in every area.
Our aim is to be the company of choice within the nuclear fuel supply chain and a key contributor to sustainable energy.
Located in Eunice, New Mexico, URENCO USA is the first nuclear facility in 30 years to receive a license to construct and operate in the USA and is the first to use centrifuge technology.
URENCO USA is proud of its employeesÍ commitment to making the local area a better place to live and work.
- 2510570 Global Rank
- 900752 United States

- United States 66.6%
- India 9.5%
- Nigeria 8.3%
- Pakistan 2.9%
- Industrial Goods and Services
- Nuclear