Van Aalst Bulk Handling B.v.
Van Aalst Bulk Handling is a flexible organization directed to assist its customers with tailor made solutions for their loading, unloading and pneumatic conveying projects. Van Aalst Bulk Handling provides complete design, equipment manufacturing and supply. Needless to say we can install the equipment and train and instruct operating personnel. Our customers can rely on one experienced and reliable source. Dust-free ship unloading Our pneumatic ship unloading systems are not only the most efficient to unload dusty abrasive bulk materials, but also the most environmentally accepted. Cement, fly ash, china clay, limestone, granulated slag, alumina and borax are unloaded dust-free, complying with environmental standards worldwide. Dry bulk handling of dusty abrasive powders Van Aalst Bulk Handling has a leading position in the market of dry bulk handling of dusty abrasive powders. Our long experience guarantees state of the art solutions based upon proven technology. We deliver pneumatic ship unloaders, road mobile ship unloaders, ship loading installations, and storage facilities worldwide.
50 - 200
Hazerswoude-Dorp, Netherlands

Van Aalst Bulk Handling is a flexible organization directed to assist its customers with tailor made solutions for their loading, unloading and pneumatic conveying projects. Van Aalst Bulk Handling provides complete design, equipment manufacturing and supply. Needless to say we can install the equipment and train and instruct operating personnel. Our customers can rely on one experienced and reliable source.

Dust-free ship unloading
Our pneumatic ship unloading systems are not only the most efficient to unload dusty abrasive bulk materials, but also the most environmentally accepted. Cement, fly ash, china clay, limestone, granulated slag, alumina and borax are unloaded dust-free, complying with environmental standards worldwide.

Dry bulk handling of dusty abrasive powders
Van Aalst Bulk Handling has a leading position in the market of dry bulk handling of dusty abrasive powders. Our long experience guarantees state of the art solutions based upon proven technology. We deliver pneumatic ship unloaders, road mobile ship unloaders, ship loading installations, and storage facilities worldwide.

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They are headquartered at Hazerswoude-Dorp, Netherlands, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.