Varusteleka is an army and outdoor products store located in Finland. We have a walk-in store in the capital, Helsinki, and a quick-n-easy online shop that serves customers world wide. Yes, we accept international orders! Varusteleka was established in 2003 and has grown steadily ever since. We are the biggest army surplus and outdoors retailers in Europe. We have thousands of products with detailed descriptions and illustrations. We strive to sell great products
10 - 50
Helsinki, Finland

Varusteleka is an army and outdoor products store located in Finland. We have a walk-in store in the capital, Helsinki, and a quick-n-easy online shop that serves customers world wide. Yes, we accept international orders!

Varusteleka was established in 2003 and has grown steadily ever since. We are the biggest army surplus and outdoors retailers in Europe. We have thousands of products with detailed descriptions and illustrations. We strive to sell great products with superb customer service (available in Finnish and English). We take pride on our skill and experience, and dare say that you will have hard time finding a better military surplus store.

What does this Varusteleka mean? Varusteleka is Finnish and comes from varuste", which stands for equipment, and "leka" which stands for, among other things, a sledgehammer."

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Global Rank 70,397
Finland Rank 242
Finland Page Views 97.8%
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  • Sindh
  • Karachi
They are headquartered at Helsinki, Finland, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Varusteleka works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Remarketing, Facebook Custom Audiences, Criteo.