Vericlaim, Inc.
Vericlaim is a preeminent global loss adjusting and claims management company committed to helping its clients _ insurance companies, corporations, public entities, and brokers _ manage and control their risk needs around the world. VericlaimÍs success results from our focus on providing clients with superior claims resolution on the most timely and cost effective basis in the industry; continually adapting to the evolving service and information needs of our clien
500 - 1,000
Naperville, IL, United States

Vericlaim is a preeminent global loss adjusting and claims management company committed to helping its clients _ insurance companies, corporations, public entities, and brokers _ manage and control their risk needs around the world.

VericlaimÍs success results from our focus on providing clients with superior claims resolution on the most timely and cost effective basis in the industry; continually adapting to the evolving service and information needs of our clients; and developing innovative solutions to
complex risk management issues.

VeriClaim prides itself on its global reach, while at the same time maintaining a distinct local market presence in over 400 locations throughout the world.

VericlaimÍs principal goals are to provide the highest quality claims services available anywhere; to be an instrumental part of each clientÍs success; and to recruit, retain and advance the brightest claims talent.

We believe that what sets us apart is our dedication to:

Demanding excellence and superior quality in all that we do

Remaining focused on our chosen lines of business to provide the highest degree of expertise and continuous innovation

Linking together our local offices through a global network of technical and industry expertise
Cultivating long-term relationships with clients, through deep roots in local markets

Since 1918, our loss adjusters have measured their success in terms of their clientsÍ results; we are as passionate about our clientsÍ results as they are.

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  • Serving Insurers
They are headquartered at Naperville, IL, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.