Xmc - Canada's Official Sponsorship And Experiential Marketing Agency
XMC is Canada's official Sponsorship and Experiential Marketingª Agency and combines the diversified strengths of industry veterans Peri Luel and Steven Lewis with a team of sponsorship and experiential marketingª professionals. XMC is a sponsorship marketing agency, experiential marketing agency and branded entertainment agency that provides the following core services in Toronto, Ontario, Vancouver, BC, Calgary, Alberta, Montreal, Quebec and throu
Marketing and Advertising
50 - 200
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Xmc - Canada's Official Sponsorship And Experiential Marketing Agency

XMC is Canada's official Sponsorship and Experiential Marketingª Agency and combines the diversified strengths of industry veterans Peri Luel and Steven Lewis with a team of sponsorship and experiential marketingª professionals. XMC is a sponsorship marketing agency, experiential marketing agency and branded entertainment agency that provides the following core services in Toronto, Ontario, Vancouver, BC, Calgary, Alberta, Montreal, Quebec and throughout Canada. First, XMC provides strategic counsel to corporate clients in the fields of sponsorship marketing, experiential marketing, field marketing, sponsorship negotiations and naming rights. Second, XMC delivers world class execution services through its customized experiential marketing programs. XMC owns the trademark to Experiential Marketingª"_ and only XMC can truly deliver experiential marketingª programs that meet client needs. Our agency's experiential marketing execution services include: sponsorship activation and fulfillment, national field marketing programming, national brand and promotion teams, trade show experiential services, booth development, experiential zone general management, national branded truck tours, staffing solutions, promo reps, promo models, launch events, launch parties and VIP music experiences.

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Xmc - Canada's Official Sponsorship And Experiential Marketing Agency
They are headquartered at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Xmc - Canada's Official Sponsorship And Experiential Marketing Agency works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.