Yunus Textile Mills
Yunus Brothers was established in 1962 as a yarn and fabric business house. Yunus Textile Mills started operations in 1998, on the basis of advanced technical support, strong infrastructure, and quality human resource. Over a short period of time, we have secured a prominent position as an export oriented company. The sales volume of our export deliveries exceeds 99.9 percent of entire sales volume Yunus Textile Mills Limited is a vertically integrated textile mills located in Karachi, Pakistan. We have an annual production capacity of 10 million meters per month, which makes us the largest exporter of Home Textile Products from Pakistan. In addition to manufacturing Yunus Textile Mills also provides its customers design and distribution services with offices based in USA and France. At present, Yunus Textile Mills Supplies directly to majority of private and leading retail brands of USA and Europe.
5,000 - 10,000
Karachi Sindh, Pakistan

Yunus Brothers was established in 1962 as a yarn and fabric business house. Yunus Textile Mills started operations in 1998, on the basis of advanced technical support, strong infrastructure, and quality human resource. Over a short period of time, we have secured a prominent position as an export oriented company. The sales volume of our export deliveries exceeds 99.9 percent of entire sales volume

Yunus Textile Mills Limited is a vertically integrated textile mills located in Karachi, Pakistan. We have an annual production capacity of 10 million meters per month, which makes us the largest exporter of Home Textile Products from Pakistan. In addition to manufacturing Yunus Textile Mills also provides its customers design and distribution services with offices based in USA and France. At present, Yunus Textile Mills Supplies directly to majority of private and leading retail brands of USA and Europe.

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They are headquartered at Karachi Sindh, Pakistan, and have 9 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Yunus Textile Mills works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.