Zep Inc.
Zep Inc., is a leading specialty chemical goods company selling a wide variety of high-performance products that help professionals and prosumers clean, maintain and protect their assets. We sell our products directly and through our distribution partners into the transportation, food & beverage, industrial & institutional, and laundry industries. Additionally, our products are available in the retail channel to DIY and DIFM Prosumers who want to do it right the first time. Millions of Prosumers and hundreds of thousands of businesses depend on us every day while using our well recognized and established brand names, such as: Zep¬, Zep Commercial¬, Zep Professional¬, Enforcer¬, National Chemical», Selig», Misty¬, Next Dimension», Petro¬, i-Chem¬, TimeMist¬, TimeWick», MicrobeMax¬, Country Vet¬, Konk¬, Original Bike Spirits¬, Blue Coral¬, Black Magic¬, Rain-X¬, Niagara National», FC Forward Chemicals¬, Rexodan¬, Mykal», and a number of private labeled brands.
1,000 - 5,000
Atlanta, GA, United States

Zep Inc., is a leading specialty chemical goods company selling a wide variety of high-performance products that help professionals and prosumers clean, maintain and protect their assets. We sell our products directly and through our distribution partners into the transportation, food & beverage, industrial & institutional, and laundry industries. Additionally, our products are available in the retail channel to DIY and DIFM Prosumers who want to do it right the first time.

Millions of Prosumers and hundreds of thousands of businesses depend on us every day while using our well recognized and established brand names, such as: Zep¬, Zep Commercial¬, Zep Professional¬, Enforcer¬, National Chemical», Selig», Misty¬, Next Dimension», Petro¬, i-Chem¬, TimeMist¬, TimeWick», MicrobeMax¬, Country Vet¬, Konk¬, Original Bike Spirits¬, Blue Coral¬, Black Magic¬, Rain-X¬, Niagara National», FC Forward Chemicals¬, Rexodan¬, Mykal», and a number of private labeled brands.

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  • Beverages
  • Soft Drinks
  • Pepsi
They are headquartered at Atlanta, GA, United States, and have 9 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.