Zuni is a boutique digital marketing agency with consultants specialising in digital strategy, implementation, optimisation and training. Whether you want to increase brand awareness, convert more customers, improve engagement, or increase sales & profitability, Zuni can help transform your business. www.zuni.com.au Services: Digital Strategy We work with clients to create a digital strategy that pulls together all aspects of digital services and links them
Marketing and Advertising
1 - 10
Stanmore, New South Wales, Australia

Zuni is a boutique digital marketing agency with consultants specialising in digital strategy, implementation, optimisation and training.

Whether you want to increase brand awareness, convert more customers, improve engagement, or increase sales & profitability, Zuni can help transform your business.



Digital Strategy
We work with clients to create a digital strategy that pulls together all aspects of digital services and links them to the key business objectives and offline activity. Once this strategy is developed, we work closely with clients to bring this to life and measure its success.

Digital Implementation
Our digital implementation support focuses on helping clients take their digital strategy and dividing it up into phases, work streams, and areas of focus that can be methodically implemented and staged. We work alongside our clients to bring a strategy to fruition, providing assistance in areas of expertise such as user experience, information architecture and wireframing, as well as general expert consultancy to ensure the project stays on track.

Digital Optimisation
Where a client already has a digital strategy that has been implemented, our role is to evaluate its current effectiveness and determine where it can be improved and optimised.

We provide a range of digital training and education solutions, from our delivery of digital training courses for industry bodies like ADMA and the IAB, through to tailored courses run in-house for our clients and one-on-one mentoring sessions with senior marketers and management.

Zuni Uni
Zuni Uni is a blend of training course and expert consulting services, with a combination of classroom learning, consultant Q&A sessions, and dedicated consulting hours allocated to each participating company. Zuni Uni gives you the opportunity to develop or rework your digital strategy using top tier Zuni consultants, in association with ADMA.

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MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
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  • 0 SDKs
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/zuni/id1240717797
  • App Support: http://zuni.vn
  • Genre: Education
  • Bundle ID: vn.zuni.uschool.teach
  • App Size: 36.1 M
  • Version: 2.1
  • Release Date: June 22nd, 2017
  • Update Date: August 10th, 2018


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- Công cụ quản lý dữ liệu học sinh, phụ huynh, giáo viên, lớp học, môn học, khối học, thời khóa biểu,
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Cung cấp cho giáo viên:
- Phương tiện để tương tác nhanh chóng tức thời với phụ huynh (điểm danh, chấm điểm, cập nhật các thông tin về thái độ tình hình học tập)

They are headquartered at Stanmore, New South Wales, Australia, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Zuni works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Perfect Audience.